Democracy Has Prevailed.

October 9, 2007

Thanks, Lynn!

Thank you, Lynn Cullen, for the shout out on the radio this morning. Your Italian lessons were not wasted as you got the name perfectly (The "cc" in Lupinacci is pronounced as "ch" is in English).

Can't imagine why you'd think I'd be talking about the Mayor on Friday. Why? Has he been in the news lately?


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i heard it. i smiled.

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Well heck at least two people listened to the show eh sherry. LOL Hey, this Friday on the radio, talk about how your party extended the FISA rules for the President. LOL LOL and you left wing kooks think you won the election.

Anonymous said...

John K: Exactly! You succeeded once again in pointing out the assininity of your wingnut buddies! Keep up the good work! We love you!

Anonymous said...

John K. says: And don't forget, Sen. Reid says any attempt to repeal the 15% capital gains tax is off the table...LOL LOL I got to tell yah, you lefties really vote prinicples eh?

Anonymous said...

More, John, more! Keep that right-wing blarney coming!

Anonymous said...

John K. says: How about that Sen Reid. They extended and reinforced the NSA wire taps. You lefties have to keep electing these Democrats. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

John K. says: You can talk about this on the Cullen show to all 10 of your listeners. Rep. Waxman now has 50 House staffers monitoring Limbaugh's/Hannity's and Mark Levin's radio shows for irregularities. Paid for by US taxpayers. LOL LOL your Democrats at work

Anonymous said...

John Schmuck, how the heck are ya?

Hope your trip was a good one.

Glad to see you back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, X, the trip was incredible. I'm sorry to see that you haven't managed to straighten out any of the knee-jerk libs that hang around here, but pleased that you haven't hired a hitman to end the embarrasment you must feel from the Ultimate Chickenhawk.

Anonymous said...

Hey, John Koward: I heard Graeme Frost had lunch today at school and it was, according to reports, at a reduced price! Please go teach that freeloader a lesson!

Anonymous said...

John K. say: That Frost kid must have a bike, he should be able to get some money for that. Since he had brain injuries he won't be going to college look at the money his parents will save, that could go to pay for his health care. They could sell there house and live in a cardboard shack like I do, that would pay for health care. He could hang out in mens rooms maybe he'll score and get a sugar daddy, I've been trying this for years myself but since I'm rather ugly it doesn't quite work out. LOL LOL