March 25, 2005

Bob Casey Google Ad Buy

Here's an easy little project for you:

1. Go to
2. Type in "Chuck Pennacchio" in the search window.
3. Hit the Search Button
4. Look to the right under "Sponsored Links" and tell me what you see there.

- or -

just click

Looks like Casey is actually starting to pay attention to his rival for the Democratic nomination.

* * * * * * *

And speaking of Pennacchio: would you like to meet him?

Progress Pittsburgh is hosting a reception for Democratic US Senate candidate Dr. Chuck Pennacchio on Friday, April 1st in Pittsburgh.

From the Progress Pittsburgh announcement:

Dr. Pennacchio is vying for the Democratic nomination to take on Rick Santorum in 2006. Take this opportunity to meet and hear Dr. Pennacchio speak about his record and views on the issues.

There is already a lot of energy behind efforts to defeat Santorum; the state Democratic Party has decided their man is State Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. - Dr. Pennacchio is running a grassroots campaign for an opportunity to win in the primary and beat Santorum in 2006.

The reception will start at 5:30pm, with Dr. Pennacchio speaking at 6pm. Friday, April 1st at 5:30PM - Roland's in the Strip District

For more info about Chuck Pennacchio, go to his website at:

To find out more about Progress Pittsburgh, go here:

Please come out to meet Dr. Pennacchio at this great EVENT and please spread the word. Thanks!


  1. Yup. As much as the Casey campaign and Pennsylvania Democratic Party try to deny our existence, they certainly recognize that our support online is a threat to them.

    I suppose its only a matter of time until they realize the appeal we have offline as well. Maybe they will have someone attend the Western PA events and can find out that way?

    I am reminded of a quote:

    "First they ignore you.

    Then they laugh at you.

    Then they fight you.

    Then you win." -- M Gandhi.



  2. Oh, that is so going on the calandar! I think I have a Roland's coupon sitting around somewhere....

  3. That's pretty funny. I tried it and yep, Casey's website does come up.

    I sure hope he's making a dent in Casey's campaign consciousness.
