June 1, 2005

Baby Steps

Elections of Officers for the Young Dems of Allegheny County took place last night. Elected officials are:

Marc Daffner, President
Jen Rapach, Vice President
Janis Williams, Secretary
Joy Sabl, Treasurer

While I'm not a member of YDAC, I am very familiar with new officers Janis Williams and Joy Sabl. Those of you who are/were connected with the Kerry grassroots meetup group, Dean grassroots meetup group, Democracy for America, MoveOn, Progress Pittsburgh, etc., will have run into Janis and Joy as well. They were also supporters of Bill Peduto for mayor.

Baby steps. Baby steps.


  1. And Jennifer is a Drinking Liberally regular...a fine VP, imho.

  2. Jennifer is a definite up and comer - she's a Democratic Committee member in McCandless and was very active with the Onorato and Kerry campaigns. Jennifer will be a great addition to the YDAC leadership.

    It's too bad she won't be president of the group (at least not yet). But like you said, baby steps.

  3. Why isn't jennifer the president? Why are these groups always headed by males? who is this marc/k person?
    I'm sick of these democratic groups saying they're pro choice but can't have a woman run anything except for a clipboard.
    how about we tell all of the funders of casey that even if he loses, well it was a "baby step" to give 1 million dollars to his campaign...
