June 27, 2005

Pissing Off Our Troops, Our Vets, and Their Families

Uh--oh! Rove's comments about Liberals seems to be the latest example of Republicans overplaying their hand. Check out Taking the Fight to Karl -- American Service Men and Women Mad at Karl Rove. Sample post:

"Rove should immediately start campaigning to have all Democratic/liberal troops who are presumably "unreliable" replaced with Republican/conservative soldiers. An excellent starting place would be the current College Republicans convention."

VietNam-Era Vet (enlisted - not drafted - no higher
priorities Mr. Cheney!)
Liberal Democrat
Outraged Patriot
Bane of Chicken Hawks
Also check out LeonardClark.com

Leonard Clark is a "Damned Liberal serving in Iraq" He further identifies himself as a "National Guard soldier serving and patrolling the mean streets of Iraq every day" whose civilian occupation is "Kindergarten teacher (inner city school) Public Schools" and who's also a candidate for "United States Senate in Arizona against John Kyl." Sample post:

I have been talking to my fellow soldiers about this whole situation and I have told them about how the leadership in Washington is trying to get the American people to silence their criticisms of the continued lunacy we call the occupation of Iraq. I tell them that they are saying to the Congress: Well, ya know our poor soldiers wanna stay and finish the fight in Iraq but you people in Washington D.C. are under cutting their morale by bringing up this "time table stuff" and "what the hell are we doing in Iraq do we have a plan ? stuff.

When I tell this to my fellow soldiers they immediately begin to laugh and then they get pissed off that such bull shit is being spouted back home because we are the ones who are calling home and telling our families what a bunch of lies and crap they are telling the American people.
Looks like they picked the wrong "issue" to use to distract from the Downing Street Minutes and the acknowledgment last week by a top general that the insurgency was growing.

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