July 25, 2005

Pennsylvania Young Democrats Need Your Help

510 North
Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17101

We Need YOUR HELP To Represent Pennsylvania!

From August 3-7, 2005, 1000 Young Democrats will convene in San Francisco for the Young Democrats of America 2005 National Convention. This convention provides an incredible opportunity for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At the convention, young activists will participate in campaign trainings and network with Young Democrats from across the country. While several Pennsylvania Young Democrats can afford to pay their own way to San Francisco, some of Pennsylvania's most politically engaged and
energetic young people need your help to attend.

In 2004, Pennsylvania was targeted by the Young Democrats of America. This status brought hundreds of volunteers and tens of thousands of dollars into the Kerry-Edwards campaign in Pennsylvania through campaign invasions and the Young Voter Alliance. On election night, the impact was clear. While other age groups split between Bush and Kerry, young democrats carried the state for John Kerry by a whopping 32-percent margin!

A strong Pennsylvania delegation at the national convention is an important step in mustering even greater
resources for Pennsylvania in 2006. We must send a diverse delegation to the National Convention to help shape the 2006 agenda and ensure that Pennsylvania is again a target for campaign invasions and national contributions. The Convention is also a week-long opportunity to meet and learn from some of the top political organizers in the country. This training of our dedicated young Democratic leaders will also pay dividends in Pennsylvania for years to come.

Already, several of Pennsylvania's elected officials, county Democratic committees and private citizens have
pledged their support. We hope that you will join them. The Pennsylvania Young Democrats are the Party's foot soldiers, its up-and-coming leaders and its future. Please make an investment in the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania by making a check payable to:

Pennsylvania Young Democrats
225 Main
McSherrystown, PA 17344

Thank you in advance
for your support.
Very truly yours,

The Pennsylvania Young Democrats Executive Committee

Not authorized by any candidate or their committee.
Paid for by the Pennsylvania Young Democrats, Labor Donated/In House.

You can also donate online with a credit card or PayPal here.

Or become a sustaining supporter

The heads up on this came via Freedom's Gate.

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