July 27, 2005

Santorum: No Jews Need Apply

Apparently Jon Stewart of the Daily Show wasn't kidding the other night when he said that Santorum's posse exclaimed "UNCLEAN!" when Stewart shook Santorum's hand.

OK, I'm sure he was kidding, but Lil Ricky did throw this Jew off of a press conference call because it was CATHOLIC ONLY.

Get 'em while they're hot.


  1. Please Maria, let's not go over the top. Lieberman wasn't kicked off the call for being Jewish, but for not being Catholic. There is a world of difference....

  2. If the reporter was a Buddhist, the headline would have been "Santorum: No Buddhists Need Apply."

    The point is that Lil Ricky is an elected public servant who caters his positions and now limits his press access to Catholics.

    Catholics only.

    When the going gets tough -- and he's had mounds of criticism lately -- he goes back to the ONE constituency that he seems to cater to exclusively.
