September 2, 2005

Bush Numbers Tanking

SurveyUSA. (via Daily KOS) 9/2. 1,200 respondents each day.

Is the federal government doing too much? Not enough? Or just the right amount to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina?

9/2 9/1 8/31
Not enough68 . 59 . 50
Right amount26 . 32 . 40

Thinking just about the President of the United States ... Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina?

9/2 9/1 8/31
Approve40 . 46 . 48
Disapprove53 . 44 . 39


  1. And then today to quote the bastard "... Trent Lott's house, this guy lost his entire house, there's going to be a fantastic house and I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch."
