September 6, 2005

You just knew that Lil Ricky Santorum had to step into it on Katrina...

The man just cannot stop his diarrhea of the mouth:

I mean, you have people who don't heed those warnings and then put people at risk as a result of not heeding those warnings. There may be a need to look at tougher penalties on those who decide to ride it out and understand that there are consequences to not leaving.

- Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Va)

One wonders exactly what sort of penalties one would impose on those too poor to flee a category 5 hurricane and who lost everything in the ensuing flood?

Apparently if Chimpy doesn't manage to actually kill them, Ricky wants to be sure that punishment is still meted out.

And that's why we LOVE our stern Republican Daddy Party!

(Saw this here via Shakespeare's Sister who saw it at Capitol Buzz -- long way to go for something that originated on our own local Pittsburgh television news.)


  1. Indeed! If one is too poor to own transportation, then one should be punished! If one is too poor to own transportation, and then finds oneself cut off from public transportation, then one should be punished! If one is too poor or infirm to be able to be completely self-sufficient, then one should be punished. I mean, cleary these folks were asking for it! And now, they have the nerve to complain that the GOVERNMENT didn't help them?!? Fools! Don't they know that the government is there only to punish them when they behave in a manner that is not pleasing to our conservative overlords, not to help them.


  2. O.K., I admit, I overreacted. I mean, most of these people are poor, so a new prison would be a step up, y'know. Hell, they'd even get a little cake for dinner now and again.

  3. Didn't you hear? It's a capital crime not to own a car.

  4. Just a CAR? Not owning an SUV is definitely suspect -- at least a misdemeanor.

  5. Not owning an SUV puts you on the Terrorist Watchlist list and gets you stopped at airports.
