October 3, 2005

Bush Picks Harriet Miers for Supreme Court (Bush Crony with No Experience as a Judge)

Wikipedia has to say:
Harriet Miers received both her undergraduate and law degrees from Southern Methodist University. She worked at the firm of Locke, Purnell, Rain & Harrell from 1972 to 1999, rising to the position of president. In 1985, she became the first woman president of the Dallas Bar Association; she also served as a member-at-large on the Dallas City Council.

In 1992, Miers became the first woman president of the Texas State Bar. Most recently, she was co-managing partner at Locke Liddell & Sapp, LLP. From 1995 until 2000, Miers was chair of the Texas Lottery Commission.In November 2004, President Bush nominated Miers to succeed Alberto Gonzales as top Counsel to the President."
Notice that it does not say she's ever been a judge because she's never been a judge. Though keeping to Bush tradition of never looking further that arm's length, she is a bush crony:

Miers, 59, tapped to replace U.S. Attorney General-designate Alberto Gonzales as White House counsel, has long been one of the most discreet, most private and most protective members of George W. Bush's inner circle.
From Just a Bump in the Beltway:

White House counsel Harriet Miers has never served as a judge before, and while this career "hard-nosed lawyer" (as she is invariably described) from Texas certainly deserves some kudos for a trailblazing career as a female lawyer, she's not a legal scholar, either. But she does know better than just about anyone else where the bodies are buried (relax, it's a just a metaphor...we hope) in President Bush's National Guard scandal. In fact, Bush's Texas gubenatorial campaign in 1998 (when he was starting to eye the White House) actually paid Miers $19,000 to run an internal pre-emptive probe of the potential scandal. Not long after, a since-settled lawsuit alleged that the Texas Lottery Commission -- while chaired by Bush appointee Miers -- played a role in a multi-million dollar cover-up of the scandal.

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  1. For a daily outlook on the Miers nomination visit the Supreme Court Zeitgeist...


    It's a mash-up site with popular bookmarks, recent blog entries, books & magazines, and other Supreme Court related links and content.

  2. So, she's for Gay rights and pro-abortion, and she is a woman. You don't like her? Why? Because she likes Bush? That's all?

    Others have been appointed to the SCOTUS without prior time on the bench as well... Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Justice William O. Douglas, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice Felix Frankfurter, Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone, Justice Louis Brandeis, And Even Chief Justice John Marshall.

  3. Where do you get that she's pro choice?

    It's not that she's never been a judge -- she has no background in constitutional law.
