October 7, 2005


Those were the cries heard on the floor of the House of Representatives this afternoon. For the third time the Republican House of Corruption held open a vote to twist arms to get their way.

The FIVE minute vote was held open for FIFTY minutes until it passed 212-210.

The vote was held on the “Gasoline for America’s Security Act of 2005,” a provision sponsored by Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) to nominally “expedite the construction of new refining capacity.” But the bill is essentially a giveback to the oil industry — Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) called it a “leave-no-oilman-behind bill.”
The Rethuglicans in the House have previously held votes open to reward large corporations with the vote on CAFTA as well as to reward Big Pharma with the Medicare prescription drug vote.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) was heard saying, "Hey, it was just Exxon's turn."***

You can watch the Democrats yell "Shame!" and "Banana Republic" here.

***I'm sure that the Other Political Junkie will want me to say that I made that quote up.


  1. Sorry to back door contact you. I tried to email this, but could not.

    Women for Pittsburgh 2000 is sponsoring a Walk For Racial Harmony. We are trying to talk it up in the local blog community to get a solid cross racial / ethnicity showing. Please promote this if you think it is a worthy cause.



  2. Yeah, don't you just love it when they do this sheeit. I don't think they understand the word 'net'..like Exxon only 'netted' three hundred billion last year (or was it 600?). They really do think Americans don't realize how they're taking us for a ride (again).

  3. Walk for Racial Harmony info posted here on 2pj blog.
