November 8, 2005


Here's some breaking news for everyone who thinks today's elections are one big snoozefest. I believe that I may very well be the only person in town who is aware of this truly shocking information about today's race for mayor in the city of Pittsburgh as the information was made "public" during Sunday's Steelers game when naturally enough the electorate's attention was tuned into that sports event.

On Sunday, November 6, 2005, WTAE broadcast a mayoral debate as part of their "Commitment 2005" series:

Here is a photo taken from my television of the debate which shows moderator Sally Wiggin on the left, three members of the media who asked questions of the candidates in the center, and Democratic candidate Bob O'Connor and Republican candidate Joe Weinroth on the right of the screen:

However, for this lone reporter who had (albeit momentarily) tuned into the debate, the shock was electric to discover that there were apparently two other candidates (not pictured above) who were participating in the televised match-up. As can clearly be seen from the photograph below taken with my trusty camera of the broadcast on 11-6-05, the info screen from Comcast Cable clearly shows that "mayoral candidates...Michael Lamb and Bill Peduto" were also there to "field questions from the moderator.":


Who knew? And here the whole town thought that Lamb and Peduto had dropped out of the race after the May primary...

In other important TV election news:

Candidate Matt Santos handily beat Candidate Arnold Vinick (71% to 29%) according to public opinion in their debate also broadcast last Sunday.

As for the REAL stuff:

There are some races where your vote can make a real difference. I ask you to please consider breaking away from the fantasy of TV and casting a vote (where you can) for:

Jim Burn: Mayor of Millvale and running in County Council District 3 against an "appointed" Republican. Jim Burn has brought new economic life and prosperity to Millvale. He dealt with the aftermath of the floods with intelligence and diligence to restore Millvale, and restored people's lives to normal as quickly as possible and sooner than many thought possible.

Kathryn Hens-Greco: An ideal candidate for family court with 19 years experience as a family court attorney helping children and families end conflict and move forward. Kathryn Hens-Greco, unlike many of the other Democrats running, is not on both the Democratic and Republican tickets so she can really use your support for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas.

Tonya Payne: An original Howard Dean supporter and delegate and a truly huge influence and help with the Kerry campaign. Tonya Payne needs your vote against a Republican being backed by some prominent Democrats who are disgruntled that a fresh young voice who speaks for us is trying for a seat on Pittsburgh City Council (District 6).

Erin Vecchio: Running to keep her seat on the Penn Hills School Board but facing a smear campaign by Republicans because she dared to take on the number three Republican in the country: Rick Santorum. Erin Vecchio was on "Night Talk with Ann Devlin" last night and she brought with her postcards being sent out by the Republican Party that try to Swiftboat Erin as some sort of dishonest opportunist. She is also regularly savaged by local Pittsburgh Rush Wannabe, Fred Honsberger, on his TV and radio shows. Devlin said on her show last night that she was, "not going into other things cause there's no tangible proof" but I have heard from a Penn Hills resident that her family received a recorded phone message that seemed to be targeting African American voters with disinformation about Erin designed to turn this group away from voting for her.

Andrew Wagner: A candidate for Ohio Township Supervisor who's running against a 20 year Republican candidate. Andrew Wagner has been an active volunteer in politics, and was instrumental in helping organize students for the Kerry/Edwards campaign in 2004. He's young and he's got fresh ideas and he's ready to turn an R into a D.
And, while candidate for Pittsburgh City Council District 8, Bill Peduto, is expected to win his race today, there's no excuse for those of you who can support him to slack off and not show up at the polls. We all need his voice on City Council and despite what WTAE and Comcast Cable may say, he's not a Democratic candidate for mayor.


1 comment:

  1. Just a note to thank you for supporting my candidacy for County Council. We stuck to a positive message and we were successful.
    -im Burn
