December 13, 2005

The Bubble-zone Ordinance PASSED

Rich Lord wrote today:
Pittsburgh City Council gave final approval to legislation restricting protests outside of abortion clinics and other healthcare facilities today.

Mayor Tom Murphy's administration would not say whether he will sign the ordinance, but the council majority in favor of it appears large enough to override a veto.

The vote was 6-3 in favor of barring protestors from getting within 15 feet of the doors of any healthcare facility. Inside of 100 feet from the doors, protesters could not approach within eight feet of clients without their consent.

The Downtown-based Women's Law Project heralded the passage as a win for clinic clients who are "often subjected to intensely confrontational and sometimes physically intimidating protest activity" when approaching the facilities.

Other groups have said the ordinance is a restriction on free speech and have pledged to challenge it in court if it is enforced.
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