December 24, 2005

More on Santorum and ID

So he DID support it before he opposed it!

From this editorial in the Scranton Times, I was able to find this op-ed piece in Ronald Reagan's favorite "news" paper, the Washington Times. Let's start with the editorial. It begins like this:
Like the famous Galapagos Islands finches that have been observed evolving in a single generation in response to environmental conditions, Sen. Rick Santorum has evolved in a single political season.

The senator, who once claimed in The Washington Times that intelligent design “is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes,” announced Thursday that he is resigning as an adviser to the right-wing group that recently attempted to force that very baloney down the throat of a federal court.
The Times is far too nice. As I posted here recently, Lil Ricky isn't "evolving" as much as he's putting politics above principle - again. Even though I can't agree with him, I'd respect him more if he were to stick to his principles and let the chips fall where they may.

On to the op-ed piece in 2002. Here's what he said:
Therefore, intelligent design is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes.
But let's remember what came out of the Philadelphia Inquirer recently:
But Santorum denied that his remarks were contradictory, saying he disagreed with the board for mandating the teaching of intelligent design, rather than just the controversy surrounding evolution.
But wait, didn't he say that ID was a legitimate theory? Where in his 2002 op-ed is even the suggestion about teaching the controversy rather than the theory itself?

Rick Santorum - You just can't trust him.

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