December 26, 2005

More Trouble for Rick Santorum

Via the York Daily Record, I found a troubling press release from the American Family Associate of Pennsylvania. Troubling, that is, for Lil Ricky Santorum. You can find it here. The first sentence says it all:
Senator Rick Santorum’s agreement with Judge John Jones’ decision concerning the Dover Area School District’s policy pertaining to Evolution and Intelligent Design is yet another example of why conservatives can no longer trust the Senator, a statewide traditional values group said today. [emphasis added]

The Daily Record fills in some of the blanks.
The association's president, Diane Gramley, said Santorum - who is expected to face a tough re-election challenge next year from state Treasurer Robert P. Casey Jr. - should heed her organization's remarks.

"It's a warning that he needs to be careful," Gramley said. "That he's beginning to lose his conservative base."
Then there's this. Can someone PLEASE say flip-flop?
Gramley criticized Santorum for changing his position.

"He's almost made a 180-degree turn on this issue," she said.

In August, after President Bush said he supported teaching intelligent design in science class, Santorum said he didn't agree.

Rather, he said he supports "teaching the controversy" over evolutionary theory.

"As far as intelligent design is concerned, I really don't believe it has risen to the level of a scientific theory at this point that we would want to teach it alongside of evolution," the Pennsylvania senator said during an NPR interview in August.

But in a 2002 Washington Times op-ed article, Santorum wrote that intelligent design "is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes."

Gramley said Santorum's change of view is an indication that "he may be diverting from his conservative positions," in order to court more moderate voters.
Gee, ya think???

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