December 3, 2005

A Santorum Update

Via Atrios. Seems that our Junior Senator is in a little bit of trouble.

Here's the AP article that Atrios links to. It starts with:
If the grandfather and grandson walking together in Sen. Rick Santorum's Internet ad look familiar, it could be because the same two actors are in a television ad that a third-party group is running in support of Santorum.

A spokeswoman for Santorum, R-Pa., has repeatedly denied any connection between Santorum and the group, Americans for Job Security.

The campaign for Bob Casey Jr. - the leading Democratic challenger in his 2006 Senate race - said Friday the coincidence is too much to be ignored.
Atrios has artwork and everything.

The basic gist here is that the "Americans for Job Security" political ad running in some parts of Pennsylvania has some parts that look remarkably similar to an internet ad that Lil Ricky is running. The AP story says that both ads tout a plan that would guarantee Social Security benefits for those over 55. Both have footage of the same actors (a grandfather type and a little boy type) wearing the same costumes and walking in the same forrest.

Of course it's all a biiiiiig coincidence.

That makes complete sense, doesn't it? A Senatorial campaign and an astroturf advocacy group who are supposedly working completely independently just happen to choose the same footage of the same two actors to promote the same tax policy.

Complete coincidence, of course.


  1. WOuld that be a Nathan B. Forrest or a Forrest Gump?

  2. that commercial is making my teeth hurt!!! just how did he save social security and who did he really save it from? hummm, did he save it from the president? oh my, does that mean he thinks that george actually made a mistake,no, can't be. what a bunch of bald faced liars. i don't know which are worse, the politicians that ok these comercials or the ad companies that come up with this junk.
