December 8, 2005

Self-Serving Blog Post

For those of you who can't readily wander around the more trendy sections of Pittsburgh searching for interesting things to read, take a look at this.

It's the cover story for The Front Weekly.

And I wrote it.

Stay tuned to The Front Weekly, there may be more stuff from this Political Junkie.


  1. Hey, thanks for the mention and extremely kind words about My Brilliant Mistakes.

    Incidentally, I'm surprised you'd find writing 50K words impressive -- you seem to pump out many more than that on a regular basis, and to keep them cogent and intelligent, which seems a much greater achievement.

    Anyway, it's an excellent article and I'm hoping it'll bring lots of new eyeballs to our little blogosphere. Congratulations!

  2. i thought it was a great article.congrats to you.

  3. Wow! It was a great article, and thanks for mentioning my humble piece o' crap in it!

  4. Love your writing and I am looking forward to reading more from you.
