December 12, 2005

Some more on Jack Kelly's Column

I had a few more thoughts about Jack Kelly's column that, if anything, really show us where his moral compas points.

The whole piece is yet another defense of the increasingly indefensible Bush Administration - this time however he does it by attacking the CIA. Far be it from me to defend the CIA, but take a look at what one of the things Jack he finds reprehensible:
Intelligence analysis isn't the only thing the CIA does sloppily. The Bush administration suffered major embarrassment when it was disclosed that the United States was holding top al-Qaida suspects in "secret prisons" in eastern Europe and North Africa.

A Swedish journalist who prepared one of the first stories on the CIA flights that transported al-Qaida captives told Josh Gerstein of The New York Sun the CIA did a poor job of covering its tracks.

"I would say they didn't give a damn," Fredrik Laurin told Mr. Gerstein. "If I was an American taxpayer, I'd be upset."

For a show broadcast in May of last year, Mr. Laurin traced the tail number of a Gulfstream jet used to transport captives to a clearly phony company in Massachusetts.

"You weren't able to trace the name to any living individual," Mr. Laurin said. "They were all living in post office boxes in Virginia."If that's all the imagination they can drum up at Langley, I'd fire the bunch," Mr. Laurin added.
I hope everyone notes that it's not the existence of the secret prisons that offends the fine upstanding Mr Kelly, but that the CIA couldn't (or chose not to) keep them a secret.
A rogue CIA that subverts American democracy has long been a staple of moonbat mythology. How ironic that the rogues in the CIA should turn out to be leftists who harm America to benefit Democrats.
So, according to Jack, the threat to the America is the CIA's leaking - but not the secret prisons.

Yea, and it's only wrong if you get caught.

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