January 30, 2006

Berner/Hafer Press Conference Today

Barbara Hafer Joins Democratic Candidate Georgia Berner’s Congressional Campaign as Honorary Finance Chair

Bridgewater, PA – On Monday, January 30, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., Democratic Congressional Candidate Georgia Berner will hold a press conference at the Silk House in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, to announce that former State Treasurer Barbara Hafer has agreed to serve as Ms. Berner’s Honorary Finance Chair.

Ms. Hafer will attend and will be available to members of the press for interviews following the conference.

Ms. Berner, a successful Lawrence County businesswoman and former Federal Reserve Board Member is a candidate for Congress in the 4th Congressional District.

The Silk House is located at 317 14th Street in Ambridge.



  1. Has Hafer ever been elected as a Democrat? I know that Murtha and Jack Wagner have, and both have endorsed Jason Altmire.

  2. How do you expect the have any credibility when you advocate for fringe candidates like Berner and Pennacchio? There are legitimate candidates with a chance to win and you're still pushing a narrow agenda for candidates who simply aren't viable.

  3. Well, let's see. Pennacchio is polling better against T-Ricky than Casey but he is "fringe"???

    If anyone is "fringe" it is CASEY.

    He is on the "fringe" of the Democratic Party.

    That's reality.

  4. Forget about fringe, back to Hafer, can we even say she really is in the Democratic Party? I know she switched from the Republican party not too long ago and I think the first post is right, she's never been elected as a Democrat.

  5. Did Altmire really get Murtha AND Jack Wagner? Wow! That's strong.

  6. Does the Altmire campaign really have nothing better to do than read this blog?

    Just wondering...

  7. Answer:
    Go to www.jasonaltmire.com to see videos and pictures and learn what the campaign has been up to recently. Looks like they have been up to more than you suggest.

  8. I know what Altmire is up to:

    Telling "pro-life" voters in his district that he's "pro-life."

    Telling pro-choice progressives that he has to run as "pro-life" when there aren't any anti-choicers around.

    That's Say-Anything-Jason
