January 31, 2006

Completely self-serving blog post.

Hey, gang.

Take a look at this.

I wrote it.



  1. What nonsense. You wrote it? And you're proud of that?

  2. why don't you fuck off? you can't even post by name. get a life.

  3. Anonymous, you are a punk.

    Dayvoe, good crypto is the key to secure comms and the gov't should not be reading the titles of books that you check out simply because you can. They should be researching that information because they already have probable cause & a warrant.

    Dabbling into the Fibonacci sequence, zeta functions and 256 bit encryption should not a flag in and of themselves.


  4. ouch maria. is that all you know how to do? Spew vulgar comments in typical liberal fashion? You guys are so obvious in what your true colors really are; and it ticks each and every single one of you off because of it.

  5. Anonymous, seriously dude!

    You posted a sophomoric jab & you're hurt because someone told you to beat it?

    I'll make a deal with you. Please tell me why you think Dayvoe's article was 'nonsense' and then we can have civil debate on the issues without making personal attacks.

    If you are unable to discuss the matter in a reasonable manner & all that you are capable of is 'spewing out vulgar comments', then I think that Maria is quite right in asking you to go fornicate with yourself.


  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. My blog, my rules: no one can anonymous say "FU" to another.

    (And they weren't saying it to me.)

  8. That should have said "anonymously"

  9. typical liberal fashion. If you don't like what's said, just delete it. Actually, I was quoting Maria, I wasn't saying "fu" to anyone, if you happened to take note of the quotes in the comment that Maria graciously deleted. Again, how typical. Do as I say, but not as I do. :)

  10. I'm really sorry, but I can't help but be a lying evil hate machine because my name is Fred Honsberger.

  11. LOL! Fred, so glad you could visit!

  12. Maria....you sound like a little spoiled bitch. If you dish it, you should be able to take it. Oh wait...you are a liberal. Take your ball and go home.

  13. This is my ball and my home, silly.
