January 10, 2006

Reported: Fiztgerald to charge Rove -- Rove will refuse plea

A friend called me saying that she heard on Lynn Cullen's WPTT 1360 radio show that Fitzgerald will charge Rove.

And, a Daily KOS diary links to this TruthOut.org story (Raw Story links to it as well):

Fitzgerald Maintains Focus on Rove
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t Investigative Report

Tuesday 10 January 2006

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is said to have
spent the past month preparing evidence he will present to a grand jury alleging that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove knowingly made false statements to FBI and Justice Department investigators and lied under oath while he was being questioned about his role in the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity more than two years ago, according to sources knowledgeable about the probe.

Although there have not been rumblings regarding Fitzgerald's probe into the Plame
leak since he met with the grand jury hearing evidence in the case more than a month ago, the sources said that Fitzgerald has been quietly building his case against Rove and has been interviewing witnesses, in some cases for the second and third time, who have provided him with information related to Rove's role in the leak. It is unclear when Fitzgerald is expected to meet with the grand jury again.


According to sources, Fitzgerald had planned to meet with the grand jury several times last month, hoping to wrap up the case specifically as it relates to Rove's involvement. But the prosecutor, who empanelled a second grand jury in November and whose term expires in 18 months, had his hands full dealing with another high-profile criminal case he is prosecuting involving Lord Conrad Black, owner of several major metropolitan newspapers, who was indicted on charges including racketeering.


But sources knowledgeable about the case against Rove say that he was offered a plea deal in December and that Luskin had twice met with Fitzgerald during that time to discuss Rove's legal status. Rove turned down the plea deal, which would likely have required him to provide Fitzgerald with information against other officials who were involved in Plame's outing as well as testifying against those people, the sources said.

So, if we are to believe this:

- Rove will be charged

- He will not accept a plea

- (Inevitable pardon to follow)

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