January 10, 2006

Stop Alito this Wednesday in Pittsburgh!

Join the voices speaking out against Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito.

Now is the Time!!!

Individuals and organizations are coming together in Pittsburgh to lend their voices to the fight.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 6:30 PM
WHERE: The United Steel Workers Building, 5 Gateway Center (The Corner of Stanwix St and Blvd of the Allies, 1st Floor Lobby Conference room
WHY: To show our opposition to Samuel Alito's Nomination.

All those opposed to the nomination are invited and encouraged to attend.

Bring signs and banners from your organizations so we can show the diverse groups in opposition.

This event is being facilitated by the Alliance for Justice and the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section and is supported by the Western Coalition For an Independent Court.

CONTACT: Reed Millar from the Alliance for Justice for more information:
reedmillar@yahoo.com 484-769-3564

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What You Can Do Today:

Call Senator Specter TODAY!

Let him know that you oppose Alito's nomination. Let him no that you consider Alito to be outside the mainstream.

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter
Washington D.C. office: 202-224-4252
Pittsburgh office: 412-644-3400

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