April 25, 2006

Peduto Endorses McDonald Roberts

Pittsburgh City Councilman Bill Peduto officially endorses Valerie McDonald Roberts' campaign for Lieutenant Governor

"It is my pleasure and honor to endorse a true progressive,
Valerie McDonald Roberts, for Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania.
In her vast experience as a School Board Member, City
Councilwoman, and as an elected County official, Valerie has
consistently demonstrated a dedication to promoting
a reform minded agenda," Councilman Peduto said.

Peduto joins a long list of progressives endorsing Valerie:
The Pennsylvania National Organization for Women
Democracy for Pittsburgh
Philly for Change
Capitol Area DFA (Harrisburg)
Steel City Stonewall Democrats
Gertrude Stein Club of Pittsburgh
Liberty City Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club
14th Ward Independent Club of Pittsburgh
Philly Neighborhood Networks
You can compare Valerie to other candidates at a DEBATE TOMORROW:
Wednesday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m., co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, the Heinz School, and the local League of Women Voters chapter. Candidates who agreed to participate: Valerie McDonald Roberts, Gene Stilp, and Bill Hall.

The debate will be held in the Hamburg Hall Auditorium, Room 1000, at 4800 Forbes Avenue, between Craig Street and Morewood Avenue, directly across the street from the large Morewood Parking Lot.
Want to Help?

You can contribute online at http://www.valerieforpa.com/contribute.asp or you can send a check to: Valerie for PA, 1801 Centre Ave Ste. 302C, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Make checks payable to: Valerie for PA (please no corporate checks).

You can lit drop for Valerie by contacting Lou at (412)281-2800 or lou@valerieforpa.com

To volunteer at her office, contact Diane at diane@valerieforpa.com or 412-281-2800.

Already working the polls on election day for a candidate? Why not hand out lit for Valerie too? I'm collecting names of people who can do this. Contact me at lupinaccim@aol.com


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