April 24, 2006

Santorum on Veterans

From the Beaver County Times:
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum's re-election team might have jumped the gun a bit when it sent out a press release earlier this month touting the leadership team for Veterans for Santorum.

Included on that list was Beaver County deputy coroner Lloyd "Skip" Haswell, who served three years in the Marine Corps and spent 14 months in Vietnam.

Haswell is also president of Beaver County's Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 862 and a district director for the Vietnam Veterans of America.

However, on March 16, Santorum voted against an amendment to a budget bill that would have provided steady funding for veterans health care, a move that did not sit well with Haswell.
According to a description on the U.S. Senate's Web site, the amendment - introduced by U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and U.S. Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D. - would have provided "an assured stream of funding for veterans health care that will take into account the annual changes in the veterans population and inflation to be paid for by restoring the pre-2001 top rate for income over $1 million, closing corporate tax loopholes and delaying tax cuts for the wealthy."
Oh, well that makes more sense.

Here's the part that should (but who knows if it will) scare the Senator:
Haswell said he's been trying to get an answer from Santorum's people on why the senator rejected the amendment, but his calls have been ignored. Consequently, he pulled out of the Veterans for Santorum, saying he can't campaign for someone who "votes against veterans" then can't take the time to explain himself.

"The veterans deserve answers," Haswell said," and that's all I'm asking for."
So why did Santorum vote against these veterans' benefits? Looks like Lil Ricky's screwing the country's veterans in order to vote yet again with his corrupt, unpopular AWOL president.

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