May 30, 2006

What I saw on local TV last week

1. "It's not about you, it's about your district"

At Wednesday's Pittsburgh City Council meeting, a resident of Council District 9 who I think identified himself as "JT" had the following to say to Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle during the public comments section of the meeting:
A council person has a duty to maintain the integrity of their district, of their office and themselves. We are tragically at an impasse where some say you have forfeited the right to hold office. If nothing else, your community deserves to hear what needs to be said. It's not about you, it's about your district.
2. Diana Irey: Pretty Vacant

Diana Irey who is running against Congressman John Murtha, appeared on Honsberger Live and continued her opportunistic Swiftboating of Murtha. Her apparent objection to Murtha's comments about the civilian massacre in Haditha, Iraq is that he is harming the Marines right to due process and the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. It must be noted that at no time has Murtha mentioned any Marine by name. So according to Irey's (and Fred's) logic, one cannot say JFK was assassinated nor that Nicole Simpson was murdered since no one was ever found guilty by a jury in either case.

Oh yeah, she also said that Murtha is being "helpful to terrorist activities."

What a fucking bitch.

3. Mike Pintek: BIGOT

Mike Pintek was the host for Fridays' Get To The Point show on PCNC. During the discussion of a public restroom in South Park being listed on the Internet as a hot spot for gay men to meet, Pintek repeatedly used the word "homo." The show's panel of guests looked appalled at the use of that word, but sadly, none of them actually voiced an objection.

4. "Hey you damn Democratic Casey Operatives, get off my lawn!"

Seen all week: Santorum's lawn.
Heard all week: Crazy Ol' Man Santorum losing his mind.

Some audio of a hysterical Tricky Ricky here.

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