June 8, 2006

Councilman Doug Shields Responds

Councilman Doug Shields responded to this blog entry via email. He said that it was OK to post his reply, and so we have:
All of this is unfortunate. It opens this council to attacks from repubs and others that would love to roll up the city (a democratic bastion) and have it blow away. We offered an amendment that is responsive to the public's demand for accountability. It was voted down and a hammer is now provided to pound the Council et al. We have real issues here with the budget, with pension, with infrastructure capital costs and health care costs. Bill and I have been accused of posturing. I respectfully disagree. There is an old saw in this business "when you have reached the limits of your logical argument resort to name calling." So far the logic has gone out of the window and the name calling has begun. I presume those who launch personal attacks have reached the limits of any logical argument.

We should not lose focus on the matter of ethical behavior on the part of elected officials but in fact we have. Carlisle brought the house down with questionable spending. So much so that upon a review of that spending that the city solicitor referred the entire matter to the State Ethics Commission and the District Attorney. That is now being investigated. I hope the DA acts appropriately and expeditiously to get this matter resolved. The spin has been effectively deflected from Ms. Carlisle's problems and now it is "everyone" else too. Fortunately, my name is Doug Shields - not "Everyone." I have provided detailed accounting on my web page.

Here is his web page

Here is a link to his spending report (.PDF file)

1 comment:

  1. Pgh City Council is open to attacks from not only Rs -- but anyone, anywhere. The city has blown away -- on Doug's watch.
