July 13, 2006

Things to Do!

How do you move around Pittsburgh?
Transportation Forum with Dan Onorato
When: Thursday, July 13th
Where: The Union Project, 801 N. Negley Avenue , Highland Park

Schedule of Events:
6:30-7:00 PM: Special guest DJ spinning. Come early to mingle and snack.
7:15 PM: Regional Director of the League of Young Voters, Khari Mosley, to introduce County Executive Dan Onorato. Onorato to brief the audience.
7:45-8:15 PM: Question and answer session facilitated by Khari Mosley
8:15- 8:30 PM: Closing remarks, program ends.

How do you move around Pittsburgh?
County Executive Dan Onorato is briefing the Pittsburgh League of Young Voters and their partner organizations on his transportation vision and forthcoming white paper.

The Pittsburgh League of Young Voters wants the plans to reflect what young people think. It's our city and our transit system.

All are welcome to attend

The following buses stop in front of the Union Project:
77g-Stanton Heights-Friendship
94a-Stanton Heights

Senator Ferlo Invites You to a Town Hall
When: Wednesday, July 19th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where: Union Project's Great Hall, 801 North Negley Avenue in Highland Park

"On July 19th, I will be hosting, along with organizers at CODEPINK Pittsburgh, a Town Hall Meeting that will be the regional installment of the Center for Constitutional Rights' National Teach-In on Articles of Impeachment.

We will watch the documentary, HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT, followed by a discussion moderated by Jules Loebel, a Vice President of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Join me, Wednesday, July 19th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Union Project's Great Hall, 801 North Negley Avenue in Highland Park.

Visit www.PittsburghImpeachBush.org to read how this Town Hall Meeting is the latest in a continuing effort to educate, advocate, and raise the public debate surrounding the accountability of the Bush Administration. For more information call (412) 389-3216 or (412) 363-8683.

I look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a spirited evening of debate and discussion.

See you there!"

Goodbye Party for the Mon-Fayette Toll Road
When: Fri Jul 21: 8PM
Where: Mayor John Fetterman's Place, Braddock, PA
(across the Street from the Carnegie Library)

The Mon-Fayette Toll Road is a bad idea from the 1950s that can't seem to die a natural death. As the region clamors for increased transit options; bridges without gaping holes; increased bicycling, pedestrian, and trail amenities; and a system (a system!) that works, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and elected officials like Senator Barry Stout continue to push the $3.5 billion Toll Road.

Now is the time for a collective "NO!" Join us for a Goodbye Party for the Mon-Fayette Toll Road, in the heart of Braddock, through which the road would heartlessly raze.

Let's rally. Let's party. Let's kiss the Toll Road goodbye!

More Info: http://www.thisishappening.com/EventPage.php?eventid=42249&show=profile

Produced by: Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture); Progress Pittsburgh; Sierra Club, Allegheny Gp; Group Against Smog & Pollution; Mayor, Braddock PA; League of Young Voters; Hazelwood Initiative

Voter Education Campaign Kickoff Event
The Sierra Club
When: Saturday, July 22nd
Where: 3109 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA
Shifts: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Contact randy.francisco@sierraclub.org and let him know which shifts you can do.
Call 412-802-6161 with any questions

Purpose: To raise awareness about the environment around the governor's race.
Their goal is to speakl to 35,000 infrequesnt voters face-to-face before this off-year election.

Party with music from Inviolet and beer from East End Brewing after both walks!

Public Hearing on Gov. Rendell's Mercury Pollution Reduction Plan
When: Tuesday, July 25th at 1pm
Where: The Department of Environmental Protection's SouthwestRegional Office
(400 Waterfront Drive in Pittsburgh), Conference Rooms A & B

The Governor's Mercury Pollution Reduction Plan is still standing,after attacks in the legislature. (Folks, that's YOUR doing!) However, public mercury hearings are ongoing. The one for PGH is in late July.

To "present testimony" (speak), contact the state Environmental Quality Board at 717-787-4526 at least one week in advance to reservea slot. If this is your issue, useful contacts include PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org/) and Clean Water Action(http://www.cleanwateraction.org/pa/ ) as well as the Sierra Club.

South End Active Democrats 16th Annual Free Family Picnic
When: August 6, 12:30-?
Where: Commissioners Cottage at South Park

You do not have to be from the South End to be there. Theye have members in four counties and 33 wards and township in Allegheny.

All Democrats Welcome!

Come enjoy pony rides, petting zoo, train rides, dj, bocci,beer and food.

Please bring a covered dish. Donations and door prizesare welcome.

Anticipated crowd of between 400 and 600 people. No speeches, just a chance to talk with Democrats who are involved or want to get involved.

For more details contact SEAD President and Democratic State Committeeman Robert Frank at robfrank@winning.com or Rosemarie Christy at 412-343-5207.

If you would like to make a donation to make this happen or bring a door prize, they would appreciate your help.

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