August 1, 2006

The Santorum Casey Race - It's gonna get ugly

I'll start here.

It's a report from Jon Delano's on KDKA. Rick Santorum summarized himself this way:
“I may not have the best name in the state of Pennsylvania politics -- if you look at the polls, most people would agree with that -- but whether you agree with me, you know where I stand, and you know I'm going to fight every single day,” Santorum said.
And then he add a few choice cuts:
“I'm not afraid to look into that camera and say to the people of Pennsylvania the problems that are facing social security and give an answer to that question. I'm not afraid to look into the camera to the people of Pennsylvania and say that we have a problem with our culture and say what we need to do to fix that. I'm not afraid,” Santorum said.
The rhetorical device is simple. Look how many times he says "I'm not afraid." The phrase frames the whole paragraph. By saying that he's the one "not afraid to" do something, the implication is that Bob Casey, is afraid.

But take a look at what Lil Ricky says he's not afraid of doing:
  • give an answer to the problems that are facing social security and,
  • say we need to fix the "problem with our culture."
I hope there's more to Ricky's re-election campaign than that; fixing social security and fixing the culture.

But the big message came at the end:
Afterwards, Santorum accused Casey of being lazy and weak.

“This is not a guy who works hard, this not a guy who fights for the people of Pennsylvania and serves, and this is someone who's eased his way into politics, and is trying to ease his way into a senate seat, and people should know in a race with me you don't ease your way into anything,” Santorum said.
So - Casey's a coward AND he's lazy AND he's weak. And he's basically promised that the race is going to get uglier.

As a side note, I am not sure a republican should be complaining about a politician who's been "eased" into politics.

Can someone tell me what political office George W. Bush held before he was "eased" into the Governor's office in Texas?

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  1. Casey's won two statewide races by considerable margins and considering that he's done at least competently during his tenures as Auditor General and State Treasurer. Whatever advantage he may have had due to his name, it's fair to say that he has done more than just rest on his laurels both on the campaign trail and while on the job.

    He also actually lives in Pennsylvania.

    But, yeah, Santorum throws muck with the best of 'em. I just hope the Casey campaign has a "rapid response" team in place to counter lil' Ricky's broadsides.

  2. Every election season the word "fight" seeps back into Rick's vocabularly. He's out there "fighting every day..." blah, blah.

    This is nothing but hollow advertising-speak. Rick fights all right, but he fights to keep his vaunted position and power, not to help out you and me. He fights to serve a narrow, radical agenda.

    This election is all or nothing at all for both Santorum and his consultant.

    They will do ANYTHING...and they have the money to do it.

    I have predicted, and I will repeat; a Swift-boating is on the horizon. I'd say D-Day is the first week in September...

