September 17, 2006 takes a look at another Santorum ad

And says that one's "misleading" too!

They even put that word in the headline:
Santorum ad misleadingly portrays Casey's "campaign team" as a posse of lawbreakers and suspects, though none actually work for Casey.
Well they turned it into an adverb, but it's there.

I've written about the ad here. Does find any new information? You betcha!

Some new stuff:
The first line of this ad would lead a reasonable viewer to conclude that all these "campaign team" members are currently part of Bob Casey's campaign staff. That is not the case for any of them. [emphasis added]
Then there's this:
Santorum spokeswoman Virginia Davis told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Casey's character and his past associations are relevant. "Casey has surrounded himself with several people that are now in trouble with the law," said Davis. "These same folks have given Casey hundreds of thousands of dollars during the course of the time he's run for office."

We see a bit of a double standard at play here. Santorum's campaign hasn't mentioned that two of the alleged miscreants have also donated to him. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Christopher Fekos, one of the "other contributors" mentioned in the ad, has given a total of $1,500 to Santorum since 1996, including $500 for Santorum's current campaign. Robert Feldman (Casey's "hand-picked finance chairman") donated $1,000 to Santorum in 1997 and 2003. The Inquirer reports that the 2003 donation from Feldman was donated to charity by the Santorum campaign, but makes no mention of the 1997 contribution. [emphasis added]
A double standard? With Rick Santorum? You don't say! That past part is followed by this:
The total of $3,500 contributed to Santorum by these two is loose change compared to the money they contributed to Casey and the almost $42 million Santorum has raised during his political career. Still, by Santorum's own logic, they're part of his "campaign team" too.
- double standard all the way.


  1. channel 11 news asked santorum about that ad . they caught him off guard and he stuttered and stammered and gave some lame answer to the facts. casey's campaign should USE that clip over and over again. channel 11 even came out and said that the one man portrayed in that ad has been dead for 2 years. we knew that but now i'm hoping even more do now.

  2. Chris Fekos! I remember that clown. He used to walk around the airport with a cell phone permenantly attached to his ear, pretending to be someone important. Half the time we wasn't talking to anyone!

  3. I have a feeling that that commercial is going to do some damage though. People are swayed by crap like that.

    Casey needs to step up to the plate and respond.

  4. Chris Fekos! What a political junky ever! I remember that clown. This moron is the KING of swindlers! He used to walk around the airport with a cell phone permanently attached to his ear, pretending to be someone important. This phone was glued to his ear whether he was walking on 19, or at a family funeral, or a family's death bed. Always Pretending to be "friends" with the politicians, (who I know FOR A FACT hatted his guts) he would try to spend on them his fathers pocket change or stolen money from seniors, or conned innocent people that had some kind of savings that he swindled or moneys he had ripped off Insurance Companies for filling fraudulent claims of robberies or damages, law suits he filled against hospitals/cruise ship/airlines/restaurants etc etc etc for some kind of fraudulent claim he could use or from his overworked employees which he always ripped off, or even his parents caretakers that he would bring from some second country world to care for his parents, he would then con/rob them and there families of all there family savings and NEVER pay them for there months/years of slavery and to top it off he would call imigration on them to have them deported as criminals after he drained them, what a disgrace to human kind this clown is. Half the time we wasn't talking to anyone on that fake phone! People would see him and walk in a different direction or hide. His own church people hate him and despise him wanting nothing to do with him and made it very clear to him but he continues to go to a church that cannot tolerate his evil existence in it and pigs out on the free food the church puts out for special lunches, and parks in the handicap zone while doing this, this low life trash has no concept of anything decent. His own bloodline has disposed of his existence and are ashamed of the name fekos they are stuck sharing. He even tried to rob his own Bishop, pretending to make a huge donation he never made to buy a title he would use for his political junky habits, which made him even more the laughing stock of the Greek/Political/VIP circles he tried to be part off. He has tried to rob half of this world literally, claiming to be a relative of the great football legend owner Mr Spanos he tried to con him out of millions, but Spanos laughed him off and scraped him off his shoes. Then he decided to move into Peters Twp to help his criminal low life trash image, and made half the neighborhood he moved into sale there homes some at a loss just to flee for safer grounds, and the remaining tenants made it VERY clear to him that he will never be considered an "in neighbor" and to go back where he came from and where he belongs, anywhere this man has gone it has been like an aggressive cancer, anything/anyone he touches it turns into poison and deception. Man I can write a 10 pound book and then some with all the cons of this disgusting swindler. He is going to jail for a long long time, he has been convicted of over 13 counts of bank fraud and robberies, his hearing is set for April 9, it took months to find a judge he had not bribed in the past for all his wrong doings but finally they found one and its going to take place and it could not happen to a nicer guy! There is a God and God is Good!
