September 18, 2006

FOX News on Diebold Voter Fraud!?!

Perhaps you've already seen the devastating video that demonstrates exactly how quick and easy it is to reverse the voting results of a Diebold machine without leaving a trace. The video is based on the findings by a Princeton University report and has been reported on at Salon, The Brad Blog, Daily Kos, and elsewhere.

You can view the video yourself here:

So the MSM is all over this, right? Of course not, silly billies! But, you'll never guess who did a segment on this so I'll have to tell you:

FOX friggin' News! (maybe they are really worried about the aftermath of a possible November win by Democrats).

You can catch the Fox segment right here:

Be sure to share the FOX segment with your less than progressive friends!

(h/t to STOP George at Daily Kos)


  1. Why are you writing about this? Chairman Markos has decreed that this is a nothing issue? Thus it must be so...Actually, Markos isn't the one who's hostile to this issue its his Crashing the Gate cohort Jerome of MYDD fame...He thinks being a committeeman trumps Ken Blackwell. Its just a massive black hole in that book of theirs that I'm not buying...

    Also, if you're the best four minutes that describes the voting theft issue, then try this four minute speech by Mark Crispin Miller. Here:
