September 12, 2006

Hey, a Santorum Update!

Looks like the folks at has taken a look at Rick Santorum's most recent TV ad. It's shown Rick to be even creepier than I first suspected.

Here's what they said about the ad. The Summary:
Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum shows his children claiming that political opponents have criticized him "for moving us to Washington," and that "they criticized us for attending a Pennsylvania public school over the Internet." In fact, the critique was of Santorum, not his children. And the controversy was over money, not Santorum's family values.

The ad is Santorum's response to accusations by local officials that he exploited a Pennsylvania program that paid tens of thousands of dollars in tuition for his children to be educated via a publicly supported Internet charter school while the family was living in Virginia. [emphasis added]
And the analysis:
In the ad 13-year-old Johnny Santorum says "My dad's opponents have criticized him for moving us to Washington so we could be with him more." And 11-year-old Daniel Santorum adds that "they criticized us for attending a Pennsylvania public school over the Internet."

That misstates matters. The criticism wasn't of Santorum's children, but of the senator himself. And it was not over moving the children to be near him, nor was it about choosing "public school" or "the Internet." Rather, it concerned whether Pennsylvania taxpayers should foot a very substantial bill for the Santorum brood's education-via-Internet from a Virginia suburb of Washington, DC. [emphasis added]
Hey, that's what I said! Later on in the analysis, quotes an article in the Tribune Review. Too bad they didn't dig deeper. Here's the article.

Here's Lil Ricky's spokesman explaining why the Senator took his children out of the cyberschool:
Santorum decided to avoid subjecting his children to a public fight over his residency, Traynham said.

"The senator does not want to interrupt his children to go into any battle," he said.
But wait, didn't he do exactly that when he got his kids to "misstate matters" in a political ad about his residency? Isn't he still behind in the polls?

Isn't that creepy?

Amazing what a losing politician will do for votes.

Rick Santorum - creepy, creepy, creepy.

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