September 8, 2006

Path to 9/11: The Mouse Has Two Faces

By now, hopefully all of you are aware of the Disney/ABC mockumentary "Path to 9/11" which is scheduled to be shown on ABC (WTAE in Pittsburgh) on September 10th and 11th.

I say "mockumentary" because it mocks the truth, and in doing so, it mocks all those who died on 9/11.

Nine hundred preview copies were sent out to Wingnuts (including even medium size Freeper blogs) and mainstream media outlets, yet even after repeated requests, no one on the Left could obtain a copy.
President Clinton could not obtain a copy!

Small wonder as an ABC insider boasted to a Wingnut blogger that "The message of the Clinton Admin failures remains fully intact" and the filmmaker (a very partisan Republican) admitted, as Pittgirl would say, that he engaged in making shit up. ABC execs also thought that courting controversy by "taking on" the Clinton Administration was a selling point for the project.

So we all know that docudramas often stray from the truth and contain composite characters -- what's the big deal?

This one claims to be based on the 9/11 Commission Report, yet it has key scenes containing public officials that are entirely FICTIONAL. And, much like the 2004 complaints of voting problems, the errors all favor the Republicans and go against the Democrats. The lies are so bad that an FBI agent who worked as a consultant to the film quit halfway through production of the mini-series because he believed the writers and producers were “making things up.”

What kind of lies? Oh, just things like this:
-- The drama leads viewers to believe that National Security Advisor Sandy Berger told the CIA that he would not authorize them to take a shot at bin Laden.

-- The drama claims that former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright refused to sanction a missile strike against bin Laden without first alerting the Pakistanis and notified them over the objections of the military. Again, this is false.

-- Using newsreel footage of President Clinton, the drama insinuates that President Clinton was too pre-occupied with the impeachment and the Lewinsky matter to be engaged in pursuing bin Laden.

And many more...

Additionally, someone is paying to send 100,000 copies of this Rethuglican Talking Points Miniseries free to high schools, cause you know, if they convince them that Bush is the hero of 9/11 and Clinton the goat, they can have more fodder for their war machine -- gotta get em while they're young. And speaking of goats, the scene where Bush sits and reads a book about one while NY burns is of course no where to be found in this piece of cinematic tripe.

But, this time, we will not allow the Democrats to be Swiftboated. This time, we're fighting back.

From President Clinton to Rep. John Conyers to Rep. Louise Slaughter to the
Senate Democratic leadership
, people are stepping up to the plate and fighting back.

And, it's working! They've added a disclaimer and claim that they are still editing the miniseries.

Now it's your turn!

The very least you can do is sign these petitions (it takes literally seconds):

Then you must do what only PITTSBURGHERS can do -- call the local ABC affiliate!
400 Ardmore Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Main Desk: 412-242-4300
Be polite but firm. Let them know that you are a local viewer and that you will be viewing them closely today -- so closely that you will take note of their advertisers and that you will call their advertisers to let them know that you just can't buy their products if they advertise on a station that broadcasts lies (or words to that effect). Let WTAE know that you want them to pull the show. They probably will claim that they can't -- that's not true. They will have a prepared statement to read you enough of us call them.

-- Target Disney's Chairman
Disney's Chairman of the Board is former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME). Senator Mitchell has a long and distinguished career both inside and outside government and he knows how important it is to accurately represent historical events. We need to remind him that 9/11 was a national tragedy, and that politicizing and flagrantly misrepresenting the facts about 9/11 is wrong.
Senator George J. Mitchell
T: (212) 335-4600
T: (212) 335-4500
F: (212) 335-4605
(Remember to be polite, and please copy us at so we can keep track your comments.)

-- Path to 9/11 - Big List of Action Contacts
A diary at Daily KOS containing companies directly involvedor connectedwith the mockumentary:



  1. I called WTAE to bitch 'em out. (Politely.)

    The response was to give me ABC's main # 818-460-7477 because "it's their time slot."

    I asked if WTAE had any statement on the show and was told "no" and then the same thing about it being and "ABC decision".

    So I then asked if they weren't the station that pulled a movie that showed the TRUTH of war (Saving Private Ryan).

    She admitted that yes they had and then gave me a song and dance about how that movie had been seen but no one even knows what's in this one.

    So I said, "But WTAE does hold the license and you can pull it right?"

    She agreed.

    So I told her to "pull it".

    and thanked her for her time.

  2. where we you guys when michael moore released his film? just curious.

  3. "where we you guys when michael moore released his film?"

    I was watching it in a theater.

    Q. Where was Disney when Michael Moore released his film?
    A. Refusing to distribute it because they said they didn't want to get involved in anything politcal so close to an election.


    You keep serving them up and I'll keep hitting them out of the park.

