October 24, 2006

The 2006 Pennsylvania Hip Hop Political Convention (PHHPC)

Represent Penn State is hosting the 3rd annual PA Hip Hop Political Convention this weekend 10/27-10/29 in coordination with the Pittsburgh League of Young Voters and is actively seeking attendees.

The three day conference will feature training workshops, networking events, and regional caucus meetings primarily focusing on young-voter Get Out The Vote (GOTV) training. Topics will include: non-traditional GOTV, grassroots media and communication, tech based gotv, running an effective election day program, arts based organizing and alliance building. For more info/schedule visit the link below.

This year's conference features the legendary Davey D, Paradise Gray from the hip-hop group X-Clan and Progressive Majority's Malia Lazu.

All convention attendees will be provided with GOTV materials, a 9-day action plan and presented with a "GOTV organizer" certificate. All attendees from PSU can volunteer to work with Represent Penn State to help get out PSU voters on Election Day following the conference.

The conference will be held at the HUB in Heritage Hall beginning at 1:00pm Friday and continuing through Sunday afternoon with training sessions in Willard Building. Cost for PSU students is $15 and can be paid by check/cash (payable to Represent) Friday or Saturday during registration or by dropping off a check at the HUB info desk (in a labeled envelope) for Represent.

If you would like to attend you must register online at www.representpennstate.org
–> PA political hip hop convention link.

For more information please contact Trey Thomas at treythomas@psu.edu or call the Pittsburgh League of Young Voters at 412.728.2197.


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