October 23, 2006

By all means, please run this ad!

The GOP put out a new ad that was slated to run yesterday on the news shows. It's the same, old same old WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE IF YOU VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS.

Has anyone actually seen it broadcast as a commercial? (Seeing it discussed on Chris Matthew's and other shows doesn't count.)

It's no longer even featured on the GOP's own website.

Maybe someone realized that an ad trying to scare us with Bin Laden only leads folks to ask: WELL, WHERE IS HE? WHY HAVEN'T YOU CAPTURED HIM YET?

You can see the ad below in all its pathetic gory "glory":


  1. They're still running it in Western Maryland in support of Michael Steele, Shelly Moore-Capito, and George Allen (our media market streches into the panhandle of West Virginia and the norhtwest corner of Virginia).

    But I agree, it is a lame ad. They've had five years. They haven't found bin Laden. The conclusion I draw from it is, "why would we re-elect these incompetent losers." Sadly, I can't say the same for my neighbors.

  2. I think it's more likely the GOP produced the ad so the "news" programs would talk about it and, of course, show it.

    Free ad time with a measure of deniability.


  3. Why didn't Bill Clinton capture him? I can ask that question as well, right?

    At least under Clinton, Bin Laden was directly under Clinton's own nose, and he STILL let him get away.

    Ask that. C'mon. Ask it.
    Better yet, ask Nancy Pelosi how she'll win the war on terror, considering that's what she says. What I want to know is if she knows how to win the war on terror, why hasn't she shared that information with the government? What's the big secret, Nancy? Surely, she'd want to share that information. After all, that would be a kick butt way to earn votes, right?

    *sniff sniff* I smell a rat.

  4. I do think it was made to get played on the talk shows, but considering that Pittsburgh is overwhelmingly Democratic, it wouldn't pay to play it here any way whereas it might in very red areas.

    Oh, and maybe some day Bush will share the information he has on how to win the war on terror with the government -- cause what he's doing now sure as hell ain't it.

  5. No, it won't be as long as people in your political party undermine his efforts every step of the way. You're quite right. In fact, let's look at three quotes:

    John Kerry = "And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not..."

    John Murtha = "“Our troops have become the enemy. We need to change direction in Iraq.”

    Howard Dean = "The idea that the United States is going to win the war in Iraq is just plain wrong."

    Do I go on here, Maria? Members of your own political party said those words. Three members out of how many voices in your political party with the same voice. Now, that being said, how can this war on terror ever be won with what's being said.

    You do realize the enemy is watching, and hearing what these people say. You do know that the enemy is sitting in the background applauding happily as they listen to the words of Kerry, Murtha, and Howard Dean, as well as the countless others underming our efforts to win the war on terror.

    It doesn't matter, does it? The enemy sure doesn't mind. Fact is, the enemy loves it. And sadly enough, it sure looks as if you support what these three people have said. I hope you take comfort in that.

    And you sit there and say the things you say. One has to wonder what sort of mindset you really have, which is "blame Bush for everything."

    Another example of the "Blame Bush for everything" mentality is the price of gasoline over the Summer. It skyrocketed as we all know. What did I hear from the liberal left? "It's Bush's fault!"

    Now, the price of a gallon of gas is dropping and I don't hear a peep coming from the left. If Bush is responsible for the price of a gallon of gas being high over the course of this Summer, wouldn't he also be responsible for it going down as we are seeing now?

    The fact of the matter is, Bush doesn't control the price of a gallon of gas. If he did, why wouldn't he call up his oil buddies this Summer and say, "He fellas, you gotta help me out here..." ??

    Let's be realistic here, the "Blame Bush" game has gotten so old.

  6. well then, enlist. i mean that in all honesty. no snarkery, please if you believe this is a just war, that we truly are keeping our country safe by fighting them "over there so we won't have to fight them over here..."
    then you go and do what others have done. go tomorrow and enlist.
    if you can't for any other reason than a medical one, then you have NO right or maral standing to question anyone else's motives for opposing the way this war is being run or what other's opinions about the direction our (all of ours) country is heading.
    men enlisted in droves during WWII because they felt it their duty, they KNEW it to be a just cause. so, what's stopping you? fathers and mothers are being sent to iraq, hell, there are soldiers in their 50's being called back, so, if they can, you can. if not, why not?

  7. Why do I get the idea that Democrats-Lie has never worn a uniform -- unless hall monitor counts.

    Life is not a game of Risk. Real people are out there dying everyday -- and if Iraq is not helping us win the war on terror, changing strategy knowing that chickenhawks like you will use the change as a political attack is the courageous decision.

    The brave never seem to call others cowards. I've served and I don't speak that way.

  8. Please do not feed the troll.

  9. To SherryP: YES! The liberal response of, "If you think is a legitimate war, then serve already!"

    Let's see, over 90 percent of the U.S. population do not serve in the armed forces. Are you going to say that to everyone who goes against your beliefs?

    And, for the record, I never could get into the armed forces because of health related issues. Oh well, I guess that makes me a fake, right? Heaven forbid I back up our President, not to mention our Military, right? I guess if I support this war effort, I should be there! Since I cannot serve, I suppose that means I should keep my mouth shut...well...according to your playbook anyway.

    I guess the same could be said of when Clinton sent our troops to Kosovo, correct? Did you back that effort up? If so, you should of enlisted, right? Hey, same mentality you just said, so I am just giving it right back to you so that you can see how silly you just sounded.

    And Anonymous, if you did indeed serve in our Armed Forces, I thank you for your service.

    Moving ahead, I can see my previous comments regarding what Kerry, Murtha, and Dean said went ignored, not to mention the comment about the enemy watching and listening, and taking comfort in what Kerry, Murtha, and Dean (and those like them) say. Oh well, I did not expect a response. Why? Because you cannot respond to it. There's no way you can counter it. Why do I say that? Because your lack of a response proves it.

  10. See what happens when you feed the troll?

  11. "See what happens when you feed the troll?"

    What happens is our hits go up!


  12. i did say "if you can't for any other reason than a medical one",

    but, since people are not enlisting in droves and the president's poll numbers are so far down, i'd say that the majority of the people in this contry have come round to holding views other than yours.

    now, will you be writing back about how i look, humm, or my I.Q. or how you think i am less than patriotic, perhaps you will just resort to name calling?

    yeah, don't feed the troll, i know.
    i won't anymore, i think.

    so rant away kiddo. you have that right as an american. i have the right to disagree and to wonder if all you have written here is quite the truth or a lot of spin!

    yes, i shouldn't feed the troll. i know that now. ; )


    "I guess the same could be said of when Clinton sent our troops to Kosovo, correct? Did you back that effort up? If so, you should of enlisted, right? Hey, same mentality you just said, so I am just giving it right back to you so that you can see how silly you just sounded. "

    is the nonsense response i would expect of a sheltered 14 year old boy.

    it is nonsense because it was a different war, different circumstanses and like comparing apples and oranges.

    it is a worn out republican response that sounded clever for about 4 seconds when it was new, now, it is just a feeble attempt to link clinton's name to anything the republicans want to hide from, like, say, their starting a war based on lies.

  13. Just a thought, the ad is completely off base and worthless. Not because it is a bad tactic, I mean, fear always works, but because the people they are trying to cater too probably can't read.

  14. "it is nonsense because it was a different war, different circumstances and like comparing apples and oranges."

    Different how? I quote from Bill Clinton:

    Clinton claimed on March 24, 1999, that one purpose of bombing Serbia (including Kosovo) was "to deter an even bloodier offensive against innocent civilians in Kosovo and, if necessary, to seriously damage the Serbian military’s capacity to harm the people of KoKosovo
    Ok, Apples to oranges how?

    Oh yeah, should you be really be making references to sheltered 14 year old boys? You're spooking me here.

    And finally, we have Maria with her "mine is bigger than yours" game when it comes to hits. Sounds like something one should hear during grade school recess. However, in the interest of playing right along with you, nice of you or one of your liberal buddies to attempt at the porn referrals. Just how low can you guys go, Maria? Any lower, and you all will be looking up at the butt of a snake.

  15. There's an interesting article on this whole kerfuffle from the New Republic:


    Money quote: "It hardly strains credulity to suggest that Al Qaeda might want Republican candidates elected. There's a wide consensus among terrorism experts that the GOP's signature policy issue--the Iraq war--has been a boon to Al Qaeda. Suskind reported that, in early 2003, a top Al Qaeda operative, Yusuf Al Ayeri, even wrote a book arguing that "an American invasion of Iraq would be the best possible outcome for al Qaeda ... achieving precisely the radicalizing quagmire that bin Laden had hoped would occur in Afghanistan." "

    They play their games, we play ours.

  16. Different how? I quote from Bill Clinton:

    Clinton claimed on March 24, 1999, that one purpose of bombing Serbia (including Kosovo) was "to deter an even bloodier offensive against innocent civilians in Kosovo and, if necessary, to seriously damage the Serbian military’s capacity to harm the people of KoKosovo
    Ok, Apples to oranges how?

    and we invaded iraq to look for WMD's, remember, or have you lost track of the numerous resons the president came up with after we learned that was a baloney reason??

    as to your insinuation about the "boy" comment, you are a true republican, obsessed with anything sexual or pervy, just like foley, another good republican.

  17. SherryP:

    "as to your insinuation about the "boy" comment, you are a true republican, obsessed with anything sexual or pervy, just like foley, another good republican."

    You madam, are an imbecile. Only a liberal such as yourself would muster up such a sickening statement comparing one who goes against your political views to a sheltered 14 year old boy. You said it, not me...and yet you blame me for what you said. Typical liberal, in typical liberal fashion.

    Your cheese definitely fell off the cracker, big time.

  18. i said a sheltered 14 year old boy, i did not say sheltered from what, i figured most normal people would take that as sheltered from the news of the day,sheltered from the harsh realities, sheltered from the truth about this administration! YOU, you sick minded person, either took it as a sexual sheltering or tried to paint me as meaning something of a sexual nature.

    because you, have a filty mind. but then who is surprised by that!

  19. Sherry,

    TrollBraden is sheltered from truth, reason and reality.
