October 16, 2006

Colin McNickle on Chelsa Wagner and (briefly) Hart and Santorum

Take a look. The article has a few surprises. First off in the 22nd Legislative district he likes the Democrat in the race - Chelsa Wagner.
Chelsa Wagner dropped by the Trib offices Wednesday last. And if she's representative of a new breed of Western Pennsylvania Democrat, well, let's just say we all should be encouraged.

There is, however, a caveat. More on that later.

Ms. Wagner, 29, vibrant, engaging and a Rachael Ray look-alike at just the right angle, is challenging Republican incumbent Michael Diven for the 22nd Legislative District seat. She should prevail, easily, given her smarts and significant public service talents and his ignorance and unsophisticated public-disserving nincompoopery.
And he doesn't like the Republican in the race - Michael Diven:
Mr. Diven, 36, was late Allegheny County Commissioner Tom Foerster's occasional driver. He's a former Democrat perhaps best known these days for having friends in low places -- six feet under, to be more precise. He yanked his formal GOP re-election bid when the names of more than few dead people showed up on his nominating petitions. But he signed up as a write-in candidate and won the Republican nomination anyway.
Who would've guessed?

After dancing this dance a little, he ends the piece with this:
As an aside, Wagner may dance the Rationalization Rumba but at least she has the courage to say she's hardly enamored of the North Shore Connector. U.S. Reps. Mike Doyle, Melissa Hart and Tim Murphy and Sen. Rick Santorum -- all previously announced connector aficionados -- have refused the Trib's and KQV Radio's challenge to publicly state their current position prior to the election.

There it is - Colin McNickle, he of gravelly voice and strict conservative bona fides, calls Melissa Hart and Rick Santorum "chickens."


  1. Speaking of Hart, if what I report here is true, and I'll try to confirm, Missy is truly in HUGE trouble...


  2. Stuart Rothenberg, interviewed in the Trib a few weeks ago, said that if Hart loses it's a sign the Democrats are going to pick up 30 seats. I'll believe it when I see it, but she does seem to be sweating a bit.
