October 20, 2006

Must Watch TV

When: Saturday, November 4th, 5:30 (Rebroadcast Sunday, November 5th, 1 p.m.)
What: WQED, LifeQuest with host Eleanor Schano
Why: Run Baby Run organizer (and frequent commenter on this blog) Gloria Forouzan will appear with state Senator Jane Orie (R).

Gloria, don't let Jane mesmerize you with her X-RAY eyes!


  1. Maria, thanks for the advice, I might have to wear sun glasses, hope Schano's o.k. with that.

    At 8 a.m. I'm going to be on a panel with Sen. Orie, I'll monitor the X Ray eyes situation then, so I'll be totally prepared.


  2. I remember McIntire used to always call her "Jane Orie with the goo-goo-googly eyes" on his old TV show.

    I am a very bad feminist for making fun of a woman's looks.

    There, trolls out there, I've already said it myself!
