October 9, 2006

REAL Photos of Jeb Bush Fleeing Protesters

Pittsburgh Independent Media Center has actual photographs posted today of Gov. Jeb Bush fleeing Santorum/antiwar protesters.

Here's Jebby going in to the closet:

More pictures at Pittsburgh Independent Media Center.

You can also find a firsthand report from the participants there.

(h/t to the person in the comments section at this post at Ol' Froth for the links)


  1. Considering the fact that you convienently forgot to mention that many of the protestors there were up in his face...WAY up in his face, like in the personal "zone" we all have (according to news sources). Hey, I don't blame him. I would of done the same thing, rather than have a bunch of clueless hate-filled people spewing their venom at him. Personally, I'd be ashamed if I were there and witnessed it. And to top it off, you heckle him from the sidelines after his oh so evil act of hiding in the closet was done. Perhaps the next time he should simply spit on you all. Now that would be newsworthy.

  2. The real truth will come out in the end:
    Jeb was not scurried into the closet to keep him safe from protestors. He was on a quest to find the fabled rebuplican blogger Trolly Braden. He had it on good authority that Brado was giving life as a Rethug Troll a shot and had set up camp in the uber-hip Wood Street T Supply closet (in the 'artsy' district where he could find other 'straight' guys just like him)
    Jeb was truly upset to come up empty handed in Pittsburgh but is glad that his pal Mark Foley will have more time to spend with him when he's back home in Florida.

    Good old family values!

    -Anon #2

  3. Update:
    Braden must be making best use of the free WiFi downtown, www.democrats-lie.com is back in business and hateful as ever.

    I knew he wasn't strong enough to get over his need to hate the majority of Americans who are tired of the evil GOP destructive ways.

    Hate speech on the democrats-lie site and 400 pictures of woodland life in West Virginia on the bradenmikael site.....Braden when do you find time to be a husband or father - let alone sleep?

    One or all of our Troll's stories doesn't add up....

  4. Anonymous, since when do you give a sh*t? And who the h*ll died and left you boss as to what I do with my life?

    Just wondering. Can you answer as to how you have the right as to dictate what I do? Just who do you think you are? Oh wait.. I know!

    You're a lib! It's *just* different!

    You are nothing more than a cowardly, spineless individual who does nothing more than heckle and ridicule those who you disagree with. You have no backbone. You have NO ethics to boot. Like I said, you and your liberal companions sure love to bring up the "Freedom of Speech" card except when someone disagrees with you, then you attempt censorship, etc. How dare you.

    I'll tell you what. You just sit there and stick to your beliefs, and I'll stick to mine. We'll see who has the better of the two this November. I'm willing to place bets, are you? Do you have that much faith and trust in the political party you so love? C'mon, put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise, shut the *F* up, and don't you dare tell me as to what I can and cannot do with my life. Am I doing anything illegal? No. However, I get the feeling that I am threatening you somewhat, if not even a LITTLE bit based on the spewing of hate you have (and you say I am hate filled?). By the way, can you specifically quote to me on any of my sites as to what is so hate filled compared to what these two do on this site? I bet you cannot.

    Now, all that being said, you might want to brush up on your reading of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which clearly states under Amendment I:

    "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    But your liberal friends will make indirect threats of my employment, all because I disagree with your politics, right? Real diversity there. Real tolerance.

    No one is stating that you guys could not protest the two gentlemen, but to cause people to hide in a room because they feel threatened? I wonder how YOU would like it if it happened to you and you felt threatened. I bet the tables would be turned rather quickly. I wonder how quickly you'd run into a closed room.

    Any questions?

  5. "You are nothing more than a cowardly, spineless individual who does nothing more than heckle and ridicule those who you disagree with. You have no backbone. You have NO ethics to boot."

    I assume that you were looking in a mirror when you wrote that.

  6. If you insist, but it's the same mirror you look at. :)

  7. Update:


    I told you so, but you didn't listen.

