October 26, 2006

Rick Santorum, Moderate?

It depends on where he is.

According to the Boston Herald, Rick's trying to look moderate in the Philly 'Burbs.
In a hunt for votes in the Philadelphia suburbs, Sen. Rick Santorum’s campaign brought four Senate colleagues to town Wednesday to spin Santorum as a moderate in conservative clothing.
Senator Man-on-Dog is moderate?
Fellow Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, Sen. Norm Coleman, of Minnesota, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska, and Collins all set aside the day to campaign for Santorum in the vote-rich Philadelphia suburbs. Santorum hopes to woo enough moderates there to win the Nov. 7 election over Casey, a socially conservative Democrat.
Well, good luck with that.

Then there's this from The Citizen's Voice of Wilkes-Barre.
Imagine Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum in a wrestling ring with Democratic Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer.

Oh, and throw in Sen. Joseph Lieberman, so to speak.

Now imagine the titan of the right, two she-devils to conservatives and conservatives’ one Democrat darling as a tag team.

They aren’t in it, but in his latest television commercial, Santorum invokes their names to prove he can work with anyone to help Pennsylvania.
I'm not really sure what it's all about (the article says it's an ad showing on cable - and posted on youtube, but I haven't seen it yet), but it seems to follow the campaign's latest theme:
Santorum's not so scary, he's really a moderate, you know.
I gotta say I'm with Terry Madonna on this one:
“Are you serious?” asked political analyst G. Terry Madonna, Ph.D., when advised of the senator’s name-dropping.
The article outlines things for us:
It’s part of an apparent strategy shift that includes at least a temporary move away from broadcast television and a different focus on the war in Iraq.

Santorum, who trails Democrat Bob Casey Jr. and hovers around 40 percent support in poll after poll, told a national television audience Tuesday that “it’s never been my policy” to stay the course in Iraq. He also brought Sen. Arlen Specter and three other moderate Republican senators to the Philadelphia suburbs Wednesday to say he’s more moderate than people think he is.
We already know Ricky's lying about staying the course, but whatever.

So he's trying to recast himself as a moderate because he's trailing in the polls and he needs some of them moderate votes from the Philly suburbs. But if that's the case, what in the name of all that's good is he doing with that "Great American" Sean ("stay away from the polls") Hannity? From the Intelligencer Journal of Lancaster:
Noted conservative commentator SeanHannity will be in Lancaster Saturday to give U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum a boost less than two weeks before the election.
“We are thrilled to have him,” Santorum spokeswoman Virginia Davis said. “Sean Hannity and Sen. Santorum share a very strong commitment to the security of this country.”
Oh, I see. So when he's wooing moderate voters around Philadelphia, he's a moderate but when he's in Lancaster County, he's thrilled to stand next to Sean Hannity.

Did Rick think no one would check?

- flip-flopping on himself.

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