October 8, 2006

(spoke to soon) What a Horrible Way to Start the Week

North Korea claims that they conducted a successful nuclear weapons test. Seismic activity is being reported that may confirm this...

Does anyone else recall that about a week after Bush hoodwinked Congress into authorizing the use of force in Iraq (on the threat of a smoking gun becoming a mushroom cloud) that it was revealed that North Korea was really going to be a nuclear threat and that the Bush Admin. knew this and kept it mum until the vote was taken on Iraq? I seem to recall some pissed off members of Congress.

Does anyone else recall that there was a time when the North Koreans seemed willing to negotiate over the nuclear issue? They basically could have been bought on this issue but, NO, Bush believed in regime change, not diplomacy.

Is there ANYWHERE in the world that's safer since Bush came into office?

Is there anything major that he hasn't managed to fuck up yet?

Do we really need to wait two years before we get rid of this miserable failure?


  1. Speaking of failures, Maria, do you NOT remember the treaty signed under the Clinton administration with Jimmy Carter at the helm as to which he won a Nobel Peace prize for? North Korea signed it,and within weeks North Korea flipped their nose at it. Once again, the great example of Clinton's foreign policy failed miserably. Hey, this was on Clinton's watch, and it was already nose diving. What shocks me is that Carter actually won a Nobel Peace Prize. And for what? Have you forgotten? And have you forgotten that Iran is most interested in this technology as well? Yeah, using the diplomatic methodologies that you demanded Bush to use when it came to Iraq really is working with Iran, huh? In Iran, you have a man who has admitted he wants to blast Israel off of the map and nothing is being done because heaven forbid if Bush go in there and take that monster out because we were not being diplomatic enough.


  2. Confirmed, by the way. Iran WAS present. Gee, thanks Clinton, Albright, and Carter!!!!!!!


  3. What would conservatives do without Clinton to blame for all their problems? I think there are legitimate criticisms to be made of Clinton's agreement with the North Koreans. But Bush has had five--almost six--years to correct those problems and try to hammer out a solution.

    Apparently you fail to appreciate the irony that while Bush and Co. were manufacturing evidence to justify a needless war, a nation that was a real threat to the U.S. was virtually ignored, save for the occassional bluster and saber-rattling. Same goes with Iran. If force does become necessary to deal with either one of those nations, we're going to be in quite the pickle given the mess this administration has made in Iraq.

  4. Yeah Jonathan, the mess in Iraq where people are voting for the first time, where people have running water, where electricity is available, where children are going to school. Of course, the mainstream media will never report on the good things happening there. Nah, it was better to leave Saddam in power, that would of been a sure way to promote peach and justice to the Iraqi people. Children being forced to watch their parents being decapitated, children placed in rooms filled with wasps and hornets, people being immersed in pools of acid. Yeah, real justice for those people. Iraq is such a failure. It will be a failure considering how the left has undermined the War on Iraq from the start, and let's not forget how they have undermined our troops making accusations such as Kerry saying our troops are terrorizing women and children in the dark of night, or how Murtha called our troops cold blooded killers.

    Granted, there are problems In Iraq, but the good there definitely outweighs the bad. Surely you can see that.

    By the way, you do understand that Jimmy Carter won a Nobel Peace Prize for the 1994 North Korean treaty? How totally bogus that is. Carter needs to stick to his Habitat for Humanity cause, because when it comes to foreign policy, he's already proven more than once (Iran Hostage Crisis anyone). Having Carter at the helm for any foreign policy relations is like trusting Bin Laden to kiss the Pope's feet.

  5. Ah, yes, when you can't blame the Clintons, blame the media. Perhaps they would report more good news if they weren't so worried about being kidnapped, killed or seriously wounded. Good news like the fact that the nation is on the brink of a civil war. That the nation's vice president just lost his third sibling to sectarian violence. That the nation's capital is a cauldron of violence.

    Running water? Electricity? Did the Iraqis not have these things under Saddam? I realize he was a brutal dictator, but liberating the Iraqi people was supposed to be a benefit of the invasion, not its main purpose. That was to get rid of non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

    But we're supposed to believe it's the left's fault? I guess all those retired generals critical of Rumsfeld are leftists. I guess the former chairman of the joints chiefs who warned that we would need far more troops was a leftist.

