November 27, 2006

I'm ba-a-a-a-ak!

Just a note to let everyone know that I'm back from my mini-vacation.

It was great to have a break.


  1. And now, abandon hope all ye wingnuts who enter here!

  2. Schmuck, I'll abandon all hope when people like you stop talking.

    You're pure entertainment value. Nothing more.

    I delight in watching you attempt to prove your self-appointed online superiority over others by your incessant condescending comments toward those you disagree with politically.

    In other words, I delight in watching you make an ass out of yourself....Continuously.

  3. And many of us delight in watching you reciprocate, "anon." ;)

  4. Thanks, Anon. It's nice of you to put it that way.

    If I am able to light up just the tiniest corner of a culturally deprived person's life, I will feel as though I have not lived in vain.

  5. You're starting to grow on me, Rocky.

    I appreciate the give and take.

    My goal, though, is to show you the light of good conservative thought.

  6. I am being 100% sincere here, x: I appreciate that.

    I hope you will do your very best to convert me. In fact, while I am very left of center, I consider myself a (lower case)conservative. I want to America to conserve its civil liberties, its future, its military, and its middle class. I feel like very few people in Washington are genuinely interested conserving those things for us at the moment, Republican or Democrat. Pelosi? We'll see. Reid? I doubt it. Bush? It is to laugh.

    So let's have at it, on the battlefield of ideas and facts. And may the best philosophy win. (That means mine (:^)}

    Now let's all join hands around the campfire and sing "Cumbyah."
