January 6, 2007

Memo to PCNC

Hey, did anyone else see this?
Ann Devlin has resigned from "NightTalk," the PCNC talk show she's hosted for three years. Until a replacement host is named, the station, managed by WPXI, will continue to broadcast "NightTalk" reruns with Devlin and produce new episodes with substitute hosts. The show will continue in its 8 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday time slot.

I know the news of the city's other resignation is probably overshadowing Ms Devlin's. Anyway, don't we know someone who's looking for a time slot?

Starting Jan. 2, news/talk KDKA-AM (1020) will add an hour to its "Five O'Clock Total News Hour," which now will run weekdays from 5 to 7 p.m. The station also will pick up the syndicated Neal Boortz talk show, which will run evenings from 7 to 10 p.m.

The changes displace the one-hour 6 p.m. sports talk show with KDKA sports director Jeff Hatthorn and Post-Gazette columnist Gene Collier, and John McIntire's weeknight talk show.

McIntire's last "Flip Side" will air Dec. 29, but it's possible he may end up on another CBS station. "There are potential opportunities elsewhere in the cluster" for McIntire, said CBS Radio Pittsburgh vice president of programming Keith Clark, who said there could be a deal to announce early next year.

"John is an exceptional talk-show host. We need to find a place and the right stage for John's show that fits it well," added KDKA senior vice president/general manager Michael Young.
Do you think PCNC is smart enough to make the call?

Nah, me neither.


  1. i saw this in the pg today.
    wow, it would be great if they were that bright.

    i can not stomach boortz.
    he is a bigot wrapped in the flag using the flag as a shield against those of us that know what he is.

  2. Just another example of how liberals and their nonsense don't want to be heard or seen on the public airwaves.

    SherryP cannot stomach Boortz because she claims that he's a bigot.

    Allow me to translate her response:

    He's a bigot because she doesn't agree with him. So therefore, he's a bigot. I bet she thinks he's a fascist, too. Another liberal description of those who they disagree with.

    Damn, I really should write a book on how I have liberals pegged.

  3. Anon,
    so you have liberals pegged?

    Pleeeeze, I listened to Boortz for the 1st and last time on the way home from work this week.

    For the few minutes I listened this man's words to enter my car speakers, I must tell you, IMHO, he a complete and total idiot!!!

    He was spewing some ridiculous notion that American voters weren't up to the job of directly electing our Senators and President. We must do away with the popular vote, etc, etc.

    Gee, you don't suppose that's because he disagrees with the voters choices this last Nov, do ya?

    I don't know if he's a bigot, but I bet his brand of Libertarianism is pretty close to fascism.

    KDKA lost a listener when they let John McIntyre go

  4. 1. Nobody watches "Night Talk." That's why WPXI/PCNC now budgets the show at a much smaller level. It's a part-time job for someone who has something else going on.

    2. McIntire is headed to the new talk station at 93.7 FM. This has been a done deal and is the reason he's been so calm about his departure from KDKA.

    3. KDKA will switch to a news station from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m., then fill the rest of the time with cheap syndicated shows.

  5. he is a bigot because(and this is a mild slur he used)

    he said(trying to be funny, i hope, but i doubt it)

    that we should paint crosswalks all along the borders because when have you EVER seen a hispanic use a crosswalk anywhere??!!"

    that is mild compared to most of his comments.

    my nephew is engaged to a young lady who is mexican-american, born and raised here tho her parents were not. her father is a retired heart surgeon, her mother a nurse. i'll bet they use crosswalks!

  6. My wife did a few shows with Ann Devlin last year. Her name is different -- and not Rauterkus. Had to do with hearing health, iPods, band memebers needing to protect ears too (like wearing goggles in chem class).

    We joke, "she's on 're-runs' now."

    Might see a lot more re-runs in the months to come, I guess.

    Ann had invited me to do a show segment too -- but we never hooked up. Sorta wish I did, but that's the way cookies crumble.

    When John did the show -- he always had his favorite guests. You'd think that a different voice might get the soap box now and then. But Johnnie Mc seemed to be playing humorist and too much "defense" when it comes to sustaining a strong civic discussion.

    I'm loving the rants on the tunnel for the T-expansion (a total waste that should be stopped) by Marty Griffin on KDKA from 9-noon. I never dug it.

    KDKA's Griffin (not Honz) and KQV both hate the tunnel.
