February 20, 2007

This is going to be a bad day . . .

I just flipped on the City Channel to watch the City Council Legislative Session and there was a mime performing in council chambers.

I missed any explanation that preceded the scene, but as best as I could make out from Councilwoman Carlisle's and the child mime's comments afterward, it had something to do with God.

I am in great fear that any moment, Jim Motznik will appear on a unicycle and then they'll bring in the Amazing Boy Mayor.


  1. A mime and God before lunch? Please.

  2. What next? A Flashmod iPod Dance Party? and I thought that that was just a fantasy.

    It would fall under the "mime" category, after all.

  3. Bring in the UNICORN!

  4. You must have tuned in too late to see Peduto juggling a bunch of binders containing detailed research reports. Then Ravenstahl, dressed as a clown, would reach in and grab each binder in turn. After each grab, he would hold up the new binder and scream at an ever-increasing volume, "MINE! ME TOO!". They were a remarkably well-coordinated act, although you could tell that Peduto hadn't rehearsed with Ravenstahl, and hadn't expected his participation.

  5. A mime is a terrible thing to waste.

  6. You went two words too far, O.

  7. Does anyone have a picture of the mime in the council chambers?

  8. Oh God no! No pictures! The mental image of the whole thing is bad enough!

  9. Mime + God = gospel mime. It's actually pretty popular among gospel churches, some of my friends did it in high school. just by way of explanation.

    Not that I know what it had to do with city council...

  10. Missed it. Darn.

    But, re-runs wil occur on the weekend. But, I'll miss them too.

    Last week Councilwoman Twanda C pulled in a Steeler. She had the inspiration after seeing his half naked photo on the cover of Pgh Magazine.
