March 5, 2007

And speaking of CPAC...

Lil Annie Coulter drew attention to this meeting with her John Edwards homophobic "faggot joke." Now you can watch even more of this fun, wholesome event with The Nation's Max Blumenthal's "CPAC 2007: The Unauthorized Documentary."

He interacts with some of your fav wingnuts like: Malkin, Tancredo, Norquist, Horowitz, D'souza, and of course, Coulter herself.

An especially funny bit is when Blumenthal asks Michelle Malkin to autograph a photo of American Japanese in a W.W.II internment camp (Malkin wrote the book on the subject -- In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror -- if by 'book,' one means scary screed).

And speaking of all things racial, when Blumenthal tries to goad Tancredo supporters Borat-style they, no dummies, tell him to get lost. Though, as he leaves their company one of them desperately tries to hide his Confederate lapel pin. (Rep. Tom Tancredo [R-Co] has called Miami a "Third World country," when he's not busy worrying that "efforts to merge the U.S. with both Mexico and Canada is not a fantasy.")

You can watch the documentary here:


  1. the Black Republican is classic.

  2. Yes, yes , yes!

    I forgot about that!

  3. Malkin and Horowitz crack me up. As vile as they are, they are comedy gold becuase they becuase they are, ironically, so humorless.

  4. You guys need to cross post at Daily Kos, this video is classic! Thanks

  5. Did you see what Fox pulled on Edwards, based on what Maher said?

    Notice that when they redid the article, there was no need for a reference to Edwards. The original one was just used to get readers to associate Maher's statement with Edwards.

  6. I sometimes crosspost at KOS, but I assumed that someone had already posted this there.

    It's definitely making the rounds.
