March 16, 2007

Dayvoe Meets Missy - News at 11!

Hey, who's that balding guy standing next to former Member of the US House of Representatives, Melissa Hart?

That would be me, your humble political scribe.

That's right, Melissa Hart and I are in the same photograph and the spacetime continuum did not break, shatter or otherwise shred under the immense stress of it all.

Sorry if that's a disappointment.

Here's the story. The firm I work for had its annual St Patrick's Day party and I got to go. About halfway through the snowy evening, I happened to glance at the front door and who should I see walking in?

That's right, Missy Hart - she was obviously invited to the party. Look she's even dressed in green!

At that point I was in a quandry. How do I introduce myself? Or should I even try? We have written some rather challenging things here at 2PJ, you know.

Use The Google and find them yourselves.

If I didn't introduce myself, then no harm no foul - but I realized I'd be missing out on a potentially great blog moment. And of course, my cell phone HAS a camera on it.

To make a long story short, I introduced myself as one of the two writers for this blog and after a few verbal stumbles on my part, Melissa Hart and I had a nice chat about the history of this blog, the political identity of this blog, and whether I'd be posting the above picture on this blog.

She was very gracious and the whole episode made my entire day.


  1. Good for you (in all seriousness). Hart was a popular congress person in a conservative part of the state. Political winds changed and (unlike an Arlen Spector, say) she wasn't able to change with them. If she's smart and capable, she will have a poltical second act, perhaps like Jon Delano is having. But I think it is good when people from different parts of the spectrum are civil to each other and don't just talk past one another. Good for both of you.

  2. I am sorry to hear spending time with a far right-wing nut job was the highlight of your day.

    That is why people like her keep getting elected, because they look past the insidiousness of her actions and votes and say, "gee, she was really nice to talk to".

    Thanks to all that could see past such crap and elected Jason Altmire!

  3. Are you squeezing her bum in that pic? You dog!
