March 19, 2007

Poll Data

Newsweek has another poll out. Another season of tough sledding for dubya and company.

Some highlights.

When asked whether they were "satisfied or dissatisfied the way things are going in the United States at this time" those polled answered 28 % satisfied to 64% dissatiesfied.

These findings closely echo a similar question as to whether those polled approved or disapproved of the way George Bush is handling his job: 30% approval to 60% disapproval.

Poor George.

His handling of Iraq? 27 to 69 percent approval/disapproval.
Terrorism/Homeland Security? Slightly better at 41 to 53% approval/disapproval.
The GOP's "strong point" - the economy? 37 to 57% approval/disapproval.

Things aren't going well. And while it looks as though this week things are only going to get worse:

On Monday, the Justice Department plans to turn over to Congress more documents that could provide more details of the role agency officials -- including Gonzales -- and top White House officials played in planning the prosecutors' dismissals.

On Tuesday, the White House is expected to announce whether it will let former White House counsel Harriet Miers, political strategist Karl Rove and other presidential advisers testify before Congress -- and whether it will release more documents to lawmakers, including additional e-mails and other items. That decision was to be made on Friday, but the White House asked for more time.

I can't see how dubya's numbers can get much worse.

On the troop "surge" those polled oppose it 64 to 32 percent. Those polled favor Congressional legislation requiring troop withdrawal, 59 to 34%.

It can't be much fun to be a wingnut these days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that polls are really relavent at this point. We've been looking at poll data for years now, but 69% of America is not protesting the war. They're not asking questions. They're not demanding answers. Polls are just information. Talk is cheap. What are people going to DO about it?
