April 6, 2007

Bill Donohue Vs. Jesus

Warning: Many of you may want to skip this post -- especially on Good Friday.

There are not a few Catholics who believe that Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, gives Catholics a bad name. His relentless tirades in the media and the threats he issues against everyone from makers of chocolate Jesuses, to pro choice Catholic politicians (Dems only, natch), to "potty-mouthed" feminist bloggers, to the Jews he claims "control" Hollywood and who "hate Christianity" (and like anal sex) are both legendary and embarrassing to many for whom he claims to speak.

As someone who, while non believing now, was raised as a Catholic, I have to admit I have fantasized more than once on how a meeting between good ol' Bill Donohue and Jesus might go down.

I need not fantasize any longer, though, because the boys from South Park have supplied their own version of this meeting in their Easter edition of the show this week.

In it, Jesus asks Bill, "What is your problem, guy?"

Let's just say it goes downhill for Bill after that.

Here's the last third of that South Park episode. (You can probably see the entire show by searching for "Easter" and "South Park" at YouTube, if you're game. It also is a spoof of The Da Vinci Code.)


  1. i saw it for the first time and almost fell of of my couch laughing!
    i think thet got
    donohoe pretty much spot on!
