April 9, 2007


DEVELOPING: We received a tip that there may be some interesting news about the Ravenstahl campaign coming out tonight.

I don't want to give out too much info as it's still unconfirmed.

I'll update you on whatever I learn.


Update 10:06pm: Haven't heard anything back, sorry folks. I put in an e-mail to the Mayor's campaign (via the contact page at his campaign website) asking for a confirmation, just to be sure.

I'm pretty confident in my source - but as I don't have enough context I'm not yet comfortable posting my tip. But if anyone has any information about anything new happening in the inner circle of Luke Ravenstahl's campaign HQ, please drop me a line. Confidentiality is assured.

Update Tuesday 2:02am: Ok, here's what I got. My source tells me that Mayor Ravenstahl is letting everyone on his campaign go except for a skeleton field staff and finance director. The decision was apparently a financial one, my source adding "no sense in spending the money he was spending."

For what it's worth, that's what I got.



  1. ouch blue balls over here!

  2. tell me Bill's registered as an Independent

  3. He threw out the first ball and hit the Caliguiri statue with it, knocking off Dick's head...?


  4. He is freaking out about the threat of running against a Libertarian in the fall. So, he ...

    I'll let Maria tell ya.

  5. what is ur email addy

  6. My e-mail address is


  7. Bob O'Connor has risen from the dead and is running as a Republican?

    No, that's silly.

  8. should we watch the 11pm news or are you gonna tell us...?

  9. Ya know, you should post a story when you actually have a story.

  10. Dick Skrinjar: "EXECUTE ORDER 66!!!"

  11. Better yet: Dick Skrinjar has been replaced!

  12. Dennis Regan is Luke new campaign manger which means when Luke wins he will become Chief of something!

  13. Pittsburgh's favorite sweethearts, Denny Regan and Marlene Cassidy eloped and are honeymooning in a secret location; Denny's pet cat will be substituting for Marlene while she's away?

  14. Why so hard on Marlene Cassidy? She is a great person who does a great job for the Mayor.

    Not surprised that the criticism comes from "anonymous"

    Not many people have the guts to post something under their real name.

  15. No one will be more surprised at your description of Marlene Cassidy than the mayor...

  16. Okay, so I'm way curious. When do we get to hear the scoop?

  17. HA! David told me this yesterday afternoon. hehehehe

  18. Matt H said...

    Why so hard on Marlene Cassidy? She is a great person who does a great job for the Mayor.

    Not many people have the guts to post something under their real name.

    .... So you have always posted under your REAL NAME??? I wish some people would answer questions instead of taking pot shots.

    Matt, Will Luke be your buddy if you actually wear a dress to work?

  19. "no sense in spending the money he was spending."

    So how much is this going to save the City's operational budget?
