May 1, 2007

Mission Accomplished

It's been 4 years and 3,211 American dead (3351 dead as of 7/1/07 minus the 140 dead prior to 7/1/03) since George W. Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared:
Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.
Recently White House Press Secretary Tony Snow has asserted that:
there has been no attempt to try to link Saddam to September 11.
Well then, let's see how dubya did just that in his "Mission Accomplished" speech. The speech itself (by my count from the page at is 28 paragraphs long. Paragraph 11 begins the section on 9/11:
The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on.
So the victorious "battle of Iraq" is a part of a war that began on 9/11. By paragraph 14 dubya's saying:
The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We've removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no more.[emphasis added]
So Iraq was an ally of al Qaeda. And the "victory" in the "battle of Iraq" removed the possibility of Iraq delivering WMD to al Qaeda or other terrorists. Paragraph 15:
In these 19 months that changed the world, our actions have been focused and deliberate and proportionate to the offense. We have not forgotten the victims of September the 11th -- the last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.[emphasis added]
So at the very least, dubya's declared Iraq to be "supporters" (he's already declared them to be "allies") of the 9/11 terrorists who "declared war on the United States."

And yet Tony Snow still tries to declare that no attempt had ever been made to link Saddam to 9/11.

Meanwhile, more than three thousand American troops are dead. The bloodshed and chaos continues unabated in Iraq.

Mission Accomplished.


  1. they just keep saying whatever they like, no matter that there are video tapes and news articles. they have no respect for the american people and i think they have just decided to preach to that 20 percent that want to hear it, want to believe it, need to believe that crap.

    they do things all the while pointing fingers and accusing the other side of the dirty things they are guilty of hoping or perhaps knowing, that a lot of people just can't believe that anyone would be that ballsy, that completely lacking in morals and ethics and so it is easier to belive the liars than the lied about.
    just my rant.

  2. This is just one example. If you want to keep digging you'll find dozens more. Tony Snow thinks we're idiots but we aren't.

  3. Must disagree. Americans are, in fact, idiots as a political whole.

    Any population that would give Bush/Cheney more than 15% of the vote ONCE is, by definition, bereft of intelligence.

    Any population that would give these incompetent criminals a second bite of the apple after seeing what they did for four years is ipso facto well below the level of moron.

    "Imbecile" doesn't seem strong enough. "Idiot" seems about right.

  4. if i remember, didn't osama come out with a new video right before the presidential election?

    that was a big factor in the scare us into voting republican because democrats were painted as being weak on defense and all that crap.

    me, i'd be damned if i'd vote for the party that osama and the rest of the terrorist wanted to win that election!

    make no mistake, they are a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.
    bush going into iraq and then STAYING there even after sadamn was caught, tried and hanged, was the greatest terrorist recurtment tool we could have given osama.
    we did exactly what he had been preaching about for years and years, way before bush took office the first time. and tho osama did has some very faithful followers, he did NOT have what he has now, nor did any other radical group.
    we gave them the tools and more propagana they could have dreamed of.
    if we left iraq tomorrow, tho it would be horredous for awhile, the 3 main religious factions would get rid of the terrorists on their own. they want them there even less than we do. they are mostly non-iraqis as it is.
    my thoughts.

  5. I'm on my son's account and will remain anonymous to protect him. But I am amazed at how many people proclaim that President Bush said, 'Mission Accomplished' when he did not say those words. They were on a banner behind him. Why not read the whole speech? What is victory in Iraq? When we make the terrorists want to quit. What is defeat in Iraq? When we quit. When that happens, do not expect the terrorists to leave us alone.
