July 3, 2007

Can you say "Hypocrites"

Mr. Law & Order, Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson

"I am very happy for Scooter Libby. I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. While for a long time I have urged a pardon for Scooter, I respect the President's decision. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume his life."

In 1999 when Thonpson was a Senator, he voted "guilty" on article 2, the obstruction of justice article during the Clinton impeachment.

Mr. Tough On Crime, Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani

"After evaluating the facts, the president came to a reasonable decision and I believe the decision was correct."

(Giuliani in 1987) The United States Attorney in Manhattan, Rudolph W. Giuliani, declared yesterday that the one-year prison sentence that a Queens judge received for perjury was ''somewhat shocking.''

''A sentence of one year seemed to me to be very lenient,'' Mr. Giuliani said, when asked to comment on the sentence imposed Wednesday on Justice Francis X. Smith, the former Queens administrative judge.

The Man Who Promised to Bring Back "Honor and Integrity" to the White House, Republican President George W. Bush

"I respect the jury’s verdict. But I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive. Therefore, I am commuting the portion of Mr. Libby’s sentence that required him to spend thirty months in prison."

Bush will also not rule out a pardon down the road.

"I don't believe my role is to replace the verdict of a jury with my own." [From Bush's autobiography, "A Charge To Keep," 11/99]

"I will swear to uphold the laws of the land. But I will also swear to uphold the honor and the integrity of the office to which I have been elected, so help me God," said then-Governor George Bush [CNN, “Inside Politics,” 8/11/00]

"Americans are tired of investigations and scandal, and the best way to get rid of them is to elect a new president who will bring a new administration, who will restore honor and dignity to the White House." [Then-Governor George Bush on CNN’s “Burden of Proof,” 9/15/00]

"Americans want to be assured that the next administration will bring honor and dignity to the White House." [Then-Governor George Bush on CNN’s “Capital Gang,” 8/13/00]

"A reformer with results. He will restore integrity and values to the White House." [2000 Bush Campaign Ad aired on CNN’s “Crossfire,” 2/17/00]

"Please thank the personnel of your departments and agencies for their commitment to maintain the highest standards of integrity in Government as we serve the American people." [Memo from President Bush to Executive Officials, 1/20/01

"The President has set high standards, the highest of standards for people in his administration. He's made it very clear to people in his administration that he expects them to adhere to the highest standards of conduct. If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration." [White House Briefing, 9/29/03]

"I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action." [Bush Remarks: Chicago, Illinois, 9/30/03]

When the White House was asked specifically whether Karl Rove, Elliot Abrams or Lewis Libby told any reporter that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said: "Those individuals -- I talked -- I spoke with those individuals, as I pointed out, and those individuals assured me they were not involved in this. And that's where it stands." [White House Briefing, 10/10/03]

Asked in June 2004 if he'd stand by his pledge to fire anyone found to have leaked, Bush replied "yes." [Bush Press Conference: Savannah, GA, 6/10/04]

The Dark Lord, Republican Vice President Dick Cheney

Oh, hell, c'mon, who cares what he has to say about this! Scooter is perjuring and obstructing justice for Dick Cheney!

Hey, MSM, here's a question to ask Bush:

"Is it fair that Scooter Libby will serve less jail time than Paris Hilton?"



  1. Thompson hasn't even announced an official run, and yet, the liberal Democrats are targeting him like there is no tomorrow.

    *sniff sniff* I smell the stench of absolute fear coming from the Democrats.

    I love it.

  2. All the Wingnuts are giddy about Mr. Bush's latest sellout to his masters. Even Master Lie now admits who he is. Gotta admit, the guy's masochistic illness gives him a lot of courage.

    Still no sense, still false courage, but courage nevertheless. Welcome out of the closet, Master Lie. You really had us fooled with that Anonymous persona.

  3. could it be that certain high up in the food chain republicans were a little nervous that scooter might decide to talk if he really did have to do any time????

  4. I have to hand it to you, Shitrock. You sit there and point your hypocritical fingers toward those who give you the same exact treatment which you can so boldly dish out, and yet you keep on doing it yourself. What am I speaking of? The personal attacks of course.

    Again, in typical liberal fashion you demonstrate the art of "do as I say, but not as I do."

    It's good to see your true colors, son.

    Now, that being said, In terms of your previous comment: How does anything you said have anything to do with my previous comment? Would you mind clarifying the relevance?


  5. You ask a good question, Master Lie. This happens so seldom, I will answer it. I will do so, as those damm libruls like to do, with a question of my own:

    What does YOUR comment have to do with the primary topic?

  6. Shitrock: Here's a tip: "Read"

    What I said has everything to do with it because the the Democrats are talking crap about Thompson (as shown in the post), and the man hasn't even announced his intention to run. Talk about fear.

    Once again, you answer a question with a question of your own, in typical liberal fashion.

    Would you mind answering my question without asking another question of your own in response, sir?

  7. In the original post it mentions Thompson, who hasn't announced yet, Giuliani who has, Bush who can't, and Cheney who won't, yet you say it singles out Thompson. I don't even know why Shitrock wastes his time answering you. Word of advice, go back to say 7th grade learn to comprehend what you read then post comments. That way you won't embarrass yourself all the time.Einstein you're not.

  8. Does Braden dream about Thompson while nailing his plastic 'wife'?
    Thompson is not a serious potential candidate. No one with a trophy wife young enough to be his Grandchild will ever be elected President.
    Maybe he could be elected President of the Hair Club for Men with blondie big boobs on his arm, but not of the USA.

  9. Why I think we've discovered a new political party here, Maria -- the HYPOCRAT!

    Happy 4th!

  10. Wait -- I see that Urban Dictionary defines "hypocrat" as a Democrat who says one thing but does another. That definition clearly needs to be expanded to include Republicans and other parties.

    Then there's Ed Rendell, the "Hippocrat," of course. And I'm not even referring to his girth!

  11. Would you mind answering my question without asking another question of your own in response, sir?

    No, I would not mind.

    Now, do you have still another tiresome question? Or will you just continue to rave as you have been doing throughout your adolescence?

  12. Allow me to translate 12:01 AM-Anon #2, and Shitrock's "responses" to me:

    We cannot come up with a valid response to the factual information you presented to us, so therefore, we'll simply resort to the personal attacks, even though we both will whine and cry when we are personally attacked ourselves (right, Shitrock?). The bottom line is this: We are liberals; and as liberals, we will demonstrate the liberal art of "do as I say, but not as I do."

    Shitrock, my faith in you hadn't failed yet in terms of your capacity to turn your head away from the truth, and 12:01 AM Anon: You're just showing your true liberal colors; something I am sure you'll deny. Nice going, honey!

  13. Anonymous:

    From the post, and I quote:

    "Mr. Law & Order, Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson

    "I am very happy for Scooter Libby. I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. While for a long time I have urged a pardon for Scooter, I respect the President's decision. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume his life."

    In 1999 when Thonpson was a Senator, he voted "guilty" on article 2, the obstruction of justice article during the Clinton impeachment."

    I never said it SINGLED out Thompson, but it does MENTION him. I said, and I quote:

    "Thompson hasn't even announced an official run, and yet, the liberal Democrats are targeting him like there is no tomorrow.

    *sniff sniff* I smell the stench of absolute fear coming from the Democrats.

    I love it."

    Would you care to enlighten me as to how what I said accuses the original blog post as "singles out Thompson" as you so put it?

    First, you get it all wrong, and then you then personally attack me, too. Nice.

    True liberal colors are coming out everywhere. I love it.

  14. TrollBraden,

    Oh Puh-leeze! The guy is RUNNING.

  15. We are pleased that you love it, Master Lie. You will have your opportunity to feast on the disrespect you crave as long as you continue to post here. It's quite symbiotic. We love to abuse you and you need to be abused.

  16. I am an American, so are all of you. We are the real patriots who seek to ensure that everyone's voice can be heard in the United States of America.

    We believe that our nation should be one without tyranny.

    We know that anyone who makes excuses or carries water for Bush&Company is a traitor to the Constitution.

    Happy Independence Day everyone.

  17. Although it is a lot of fun making fun of Master Lie, I do resent him in a way. He so embarrasses the more-nearly-sensible Wingnuts that they seldom show up while he is mewling here. Thus, we don't get the chance to debate politics, inasmuch as Master Lie only gives us his fevered ravings to which to react. It's like trying to have a discussion with a monkey. We make a statement, he responds by throwing shit.

    You may say, "No, Heir to the Throne sometimes posts simultaneously with Master Lie." This is true, but he is little better -- tossing up irrelevancies, then running away the moment we discredit him.

    Come back, XRanger. Just because Master Lie makes you all look bad doesn't mean you should be afraid to make an attempt to justify your ridiculous point of view. We need someone whose ideas are demonstrably wrong to debate. Just reacting to Master Lie's babble is like eating dessert all the time.

  18. Schmuck, I must protest your getting into a conversation with the impostor Democrats-Lie. I stayed quiet while he stayed off this blog or posted as one of the many right-wing Anonymous cowards. But now that he is back not under his own name but under MY name, I ask you to recognize my complaint.

    I AM DEMOCRATS-LIE. I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT (actually, all I had to do was to stop using those naturally-occuring dietary supplements and also stop pushing those knitting needles up my ass) AND AM NOW A LIBERAL. Why do you think I took my stupid blog off the air?

    So please stop giving credence to this idiot impostor using my name.

  19. My ridiculus point of view?


    Hells bells, man, I give you some good writing here. At the very least, I attempt to spell out my point of view, even though you do not agree with it.

    It's easy to snipe. That's why I do not engage in that manner any longer.

  20. It's easy to snipe. That's why I do not engage in that manner any longer.

    Thanks, X, for providing such a marvelous example of the ridiculosity to which I was referring. "It's easy to do, so I don't do it?!?!" Are these also true of all conservatives, or just you:

    It's easy to spell correctly. That's why I do not...

    It's easy to make love without causing pain. That's why I do not...

    It's easy to think clearly. That's why I do not...

    And of course the converse:

    It's difficult to torture logic to the point where the war in Iraq makes sense. That's why I do...

    It's difficult to imagine that another low-IQ actor would be any less of a disaster as the last one. That's why I do...

    It's difficult to come up with an example of a single crime the Bush Administration would commit to cover its previous crimes. That's why I do...

    And by the way, let's not forget who gave me my surname-de-plume. Pretty low sniping for a guy who doesn't snipe, wouldn't you agree?

  21. You missed the point: I don't usually get involved any longer with the democrats-lie sniping any longer.

    Got too boring.

    Anyway, when I give you my thoughts on the current status of the Iraq war, etc., you bring up Viet Nam (!) and other peculiar retorts.

    That is, when you're not trumpeting the wacked-out left positions - help! the sky is falling. Oh the Republic!

    Politics is a fascinating sport, just don't get too knee-deep in the drivel you spout.

    People may think you're a kook.

  22. By the way, your modus operandi is to sit back and throw stink bombs at anyone who is not radically left - but you don't say anything.

    So, let me ask you to respond to one topic:

    What do you want the US to do regarding Iraq? Total pullout? When? What are your views on what would happen then?

    I'll be offline for a day or so. I look forward to reading your post later.

  23. "TrollBraden,

    Oh Puh-leeze! The guy is RUNNING."

    Really, Maria? Show me the official announcement. If you can show me the announcement as of the time/date of this comment, then I'll eat my hat and I'll poop out gold bullion.

    Shitrock, I've about given up on you, pal. All your mentality is capable of are personal attacks against those who oppose you. If you cannot say anything to me without some sort of personal attack/jab, then don't bother at all, son. You're just no longer worth the time. I do know this much: You definitely weren't on the school debating team, were you?

    And then we have this:

    "I AM DEMOCRATS-LIE. I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT (actually, all I had to do was to stop using those naturally-occuring dietary supplements and also stop pushing those knitting needles up my ass) AND AM NOW A LIBERAL. Why do you think I took my stupid blog off the air?"

    LOL! I am absolutely delighted that the "real democrat-lie" is back in full force, too. It amuses me to know that I bug the living crap out of those who take it upon themselves to lower themselves to the levels they do.

    But don't worry "real democrats-lie," you'll be hearing a lot more from me...more than ever as a matter of fact. You'll just have to get used to it, or you can join Maurice Hinchey, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry and the rest of 'em in your support of the Fairness Doctrine.

  24. You missed the point

    You meant to say, I'm sure, that I GOT your point, but responded to it in a way you couldn't understand. I realize you lack the tools to express what you do mean to say, but you were quite wide of the mark on this one.

    But OK, I'll answer the question you pretend to ask. Not that you'll ever respond to this, but...

    What do you want the US to do regarding Iraq? Total pullout?

    I say "Support the troops." Supporting them means seeing that the deaths and massive injuries stop, and that means bringing them home. This administration has proved over the course of four and a half years that more troops just means more casualties. Don't YOU want to support the troops?

    Four years ago would be best. If Mr. Cheney can't manage that, or if his retirement fund won't permit it, then with the optimum combination of speed and safety, but as determined by someone with a modicum of competence, not by people who think of American servicemen and women as expendable toys. Both George 41 or Colin Powell have experience in the area of leaving Iraq in a mess, why not ask them to help?

    What are your views on what would happen then?
    Well, I guess Mr. Cheney would not earn bonuses and options as quickly, but many of us who are "radically left" don't consider that to be a disaster.

    Probably Mr. Cheney's puppets in the current government would be slain by their own people, or they would slay even more of their own people. In other words, the same thing that is happening now.

    By the way, your modus operandi is to sit back and throw stink bombs at anyone who is not radically left - but you don't say anything.
    You have said that you and your comrades think of John "Keep surging until there's not a soldier left" McCain as too liberal; so for example, Barak Obama must look like Frederick Engels through your rather distorted corneas.

    And speaking of throwing stink bombs, I ask again: Who was it that dubbed me Shitrock? Wait, I forgot. You're bored with that now. However, in this thread alone you have called me peculiar, a kook, and a purveyor of "wacked-out" (tsk, tsk, check spelling and punctuation) positions. Further, you accuse the 2PJs, Sherry, Anon#2, and many other contributors here (those I don't attack with stink bombs) of being "radically left." Are you sure you serve your argument by calling ME the bomb thrower? I would calculate that to be a loss of credibility for you.

    That is, when you're not trumpeting the wacked-out left positions - help! the sky is falling. Oh the Republic!
    So which is it, X -- I don't say anything or I say too much? I'm afraid you are putting your fuzzy thinking on display. (Don't feel too badly about it. The folks in your bundt do that regularly.)

    But to address the point you were trying so hard to make: I am quaint, am I not? in hoping for a constitutional government in the United States as well as in Iraq. I simply cannot identify with the yearning that you and other conservatives have for a police state -- unless of course, you have been duped into thinking that they will allow you to be the police.

    don't get too knee-deep in the drivel you spout. People may think you're a kook.
    You need to work on your metaphors a bit, X. The images "drivel" and "spout" work in opposition to each other. See, "drivel" evokes a mental picture of a slow, drooling, flow of saliva, whereas "spout" conjures up bright fountains and large volumes of liquid. You'll be able to master this writing thing if you can set aside your right-wing laziness.

    As for being a "kook:" as long as folks with your POV think of me as one, I'll be content. I'm sure your counterparts in the 18th century felt the same way about supporters of John Hancock, the Adamses, Robert Morris, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, Al Hamilton, and their friends.

    I give you some good writing here.

  25. OK, let's talk money. I've got $1,000 that says Thompson runs. Care to take me up on that, Master Lie? Or won't your allowance cover that?

    Now, I have a more modest sum -- $20 -- each for the best five essays, 200 words or less on this topic. Which is funnier: Master Lie "giving up" on me, or Master Lie calling me "Son." Post your essay anywhere on this blog. Winners will be judged and paid by me. You, Master Lie, are also eligible to win. You can use your winnings to partially offset your loss in the Thompson bet.

    This should be fun.

  26. LOL! I never said the man wasn't going to run. You're missing the point. And that is:

    The man hasn't even announced YET and the Democrats are targeting him already. Why? Fear.

    Figure it out, it's not that difficult.

    You keep your $1,000.00, you'll need it to subsidize your miserable existence.

  27. Ah, but think how much better I will subsidize my miserable existence with your $1,000!

    You Wingnuttians keep telling me I'm missing your point. This tells me either that you are very bad at making your point (obviously true) or that I am very stupid (obviously also true, since I bother to deal with you.)

    However, I agree with you that liberals -- or really anyone who cares about this country, but it would seem that means just liberals -- should be VERY afraid of having a Bible-thumping, used-car selling, Armageddon-wanting, impeachment-voting, commutation-loving, multiple-marriage conservative Republican lobbyist at the controls. This country can't take any more huge tax cuts for the wealthy, nor massive Federal deficits, nor oil-seeking adventures in the Middle East, nor loss of civil liberties. So, actually I don't know how the Democrats feel about it (have you noticed that you're obsessed with the Democratic Party, Master Lie?), but personally, I'm scared as hell of Mr. Thompson. And I am further afraid that there are enough Americans who fall for his phony corn pone, country lawyer, Washington outsider (he was a lobbyist for 17 years, still was until this year, and a Washington legislator for nine years) act, just like y'all fell for Dubya's "nice guy to have a beer with" act just before the torture started.

    Afraid? You bet. You would be too, if you had the maturity and/or sense to be.

  28. Why do you people keep talking to that impostor who uses my name as though he was really Democrats-Lie.

    I'm a liberal now. I don't act all silly and crazy the way I did before and the way the phony does now.

    He already admitted that he is not really me by calling me The Real Democrats-Lie yesterday.

  29. well, after a couple of days off-line, I was looking forward to a spirited debate, Shitrock. So, I log on, read your piece, and my retort to your answers is...


    That the best you got? Oh well, back to the other blogs. Your confusing gobbledygook, entrenched in your penchant to infer you are an intellectual, is too mundane for me.

    I'm liking the conservatives chances more and more if this is the level of discourse from the other side.

  30. As I predicted in my ever-so-mundane piece, no substantive response from the Wingnuts; just the kind of personal negativity they accuse me of practicing.

    Oh well. We can't blame them for declining a challenge, can we? Their side has no coherent argument to make, but so much to do: American soldiers to kill in the Middle East, money and elections to steal here, atmosphere to pollute for profit, citizens to throw in jail without access to legal recourse. So many evils to perpetrate, so little time.

    I'm liking the conservatives chances more and more

    Me too. However "liking" is, as we have come to expect from the Reactionaries and their less skillful elements, an inaccurate word.

    entrenched in your penchant to infer you are an intellectual
    I think X meant "imply" rather than "infer", but as I said in the previous paragraph... Look, let's give the guy credit for at least attempting to get polysyllabic and using most of his words more or less correctly.

    BTW and while we're on the subject: Just in case X's perception that I am attempting to feign intellectuality might be shared by someone with two neurons to rub together, fuggeddabouddit. I need to disabuse you of that idea immediately. To show you how stupid I am, I voted for a Republican once. (It was for a relative, I was barely old enough to vote, and it was for a functionary local office, but none of that is any excuse.)

  31. In my previous post, I forgot to mention "brush to clear in Crawford" in the Things To Do list. Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.

    Your mileage may vary. Void where taxed or prohibited. Rates are annualized and prorated. Must be at least 85 to participate. Equal opportunity employer. Side effects include slow, painful death. No parking after 6:00 pm on alternate Wednesdays. Do not operate heavy equipment while sleeping. Move it along, Mack. Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam today. Cyan is the new chartreuse. One hundred twelve in the shade and there ain't no shade. Hope you're feeling better. Put down the skunky beer and slowly back away. Thank you for your patience during our renovation. And don't call me Shirley.

  32. In the original blog it said liberal democrats are targeting Thompson. Targeting is singling out. For example John Wilkes Booth targeted Abe Lincoln for assasination. You understand now Einstein?
