July 27, 2007

Join the Party with Howard Dean!


Heather Arnet
Jennifer Brady
Kirk Burkley
Leo M. Castagnari
Dan Cerrone
Charlie Datz
Christina Dixon & Geoffrey Webster
Patrick Dowd
John Hagan
Cris Hoel
Thomas Juring
Jeff Meagher
Khari Mosley
Heidi & Andrew Norman
Liane Ellison Norman & Robert Norman
Lazar Palnick
Lindsay Patross
Richard Pearson
Vickie Pisowicz
Lynda Wrenn
Danika Wukich
R. Clayton Wukich

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Chairman, Democratic National Committee

Invite you to


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Church Brew Works
3525 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA

4:30 PM
"Join the Party" Reception
$25 per person



  1. He is a doctor. And, so is Ron Paul.

    Both will be in Pittsburgh. Ron Paul's gig is 7 pm on Aug 3 at North Point Sheraton up North.

    We need a few others to pull this cycle's version of a "Howard Dean" -- and scream or do something so as to have his campaign stop in its tracks.

  2. Someone ask him what he would have said after Iowa had Joe Trippi prepared him for losing.

  3. And Mark, Ron Paul is going to MOP THE FLOOR at the R-YouTube debate.

  4. And Mark, Ron Paul is going to MOP THE FLOOR at the R-YouTube debate.
    An excellent vocation for any Republican.

  5. The other Rs might chicken out of the YouTube debate format, sadly.

    I liked it. It was different. Different works for me from time to time.

    Who would like to host a YouTube debate for local candidates?

    People said Ron Paul would not do well in the other debates. He won three of them already. So, the prediction of him fading have turned out to be wrong.

    Ron Paul is a "R" -- and he is different from the neocon Rs in many ways. Ron Paul is more for peace than the bulk of the Ds in the race for president.

    His vocation isn't mopping the floor. It is medicine. He has delivered thousands of babies. He has been a doctor. He studied medicine at Duke.

    Be real in your observations, please.

    And Bram, why would Joe Trippi have to prepare the candidate for losing. Are you looking for puppets that are 'prepared' by managers? I'm not. I'm looking for people who are honest without pointing to blame others. That question is such a 'crap trap' it should NOT be asked.

  6. Republicans with no agenda, no support and no life that cruise around liberal blogs are awesome! Nice pictures!

  7. Just an invitation to SEAD Picnic

    18th Annual South End Active Democrats Picnic at South Park

    The 18th Annual Free South End Active Democrats (SEAD) will be Sunday, Aug. 5 from 1 to 8 p.m. at the Cottage Pavilion (formerly Commissioners’ Cottage in South Park). Last year more than 400 people braved the 90 degree heat and had a great time.
    The picnic is free, but attendees are asked to bring a covered dish. The covered dish should be in a disposable container. There will be plenty of events for the kids and family. The picnic begins at 1 p.m. with hot dogs and hamburgers from the grill; a petting zoo and pony rides will take place from 2 to 3:30 p.m.; a buffet at 3:30 p.m.; at 4 p.m., back by popular demand, “The Wild World of Animals, Exotic Animal Show;” and, for the kiddies from 5 to 7 p.m., train rides. During the day there will be a duck pond, Jimmy the Juke Box DJ, horseshoes, croquet, volleyball, softball, swings and playground, free beer and sodas and door prizes.
    Call for reservations with how many are in your group and what you’re planning to bring. SEAD is also providing the chips, snacks, paper products and serving utensils.
    For details contact SEAD president Robert Frank at 412- 431-4828 or email robfrank@winning.com or Rosemary at 412-343-5207. Anyone who would like to volunteer and help make this fun event happen should also call the organizers. Door prizes and donations are welcome. There will be no speeches, just a fun day at the park at the annual picnic.
    The Cottage Pavilion is located adjacent to the Fairground buildings. The picnic will be held rain or Shine.
    SEAD is a community organization, which connects ordinary people with candidates. They do not endorse candidates, but act as a way for people who want to get involved in campaigns or issues, but do not know how. They have more than 200 members from 38 communities, not just in the South Pittsburgh. The membership includes elected officials, candidates, Democratic committee members, concerned citizens and just people who would like to get involved.
    The organization has members of all ages and always welcomes new members.
