August 30, 2007

John & Elizabeth Edwards in Pittsburgh on Labor Day

WHAT: A Labor Day rally with John and Elizabeth Edwards
WHEN: Monday, September 3 (Labor Day) at 9:00 AM
WHERE: Mario Lemieux Place -- Mellon Arena between Centre Ave. and Bedford Ave.

"John and Elizabeth Edwards are going to be in Pittsburgh on Labor Day — Monday, September 3 — for a rally with local supporters.

This campaign is about building one America and ending a system that is rigged against hardworking families. John is running for president to restore the promise of America—and to truly change things for all of us.

So please, come join John and Elizabeth on Labor Day to celebrate with all of us as we stand-up for hardworking families."

REMINDER: The Young Dems could use your help registering voters that day. Sign up here.


  1. You are not going in a SUV are you?
    John wants you to sacrifice.

    You should ask John about SUVs and Tanks?

    John Edwards, SUVs and Tanks

    Edwards got a standing ovation when he said weapons and equipment used by America's military needs to be made in the United States. He says tanks and ammunition for M16 rifles are being made in other countries.

    He says jobs that provide equipment for America's defense need to be made in the United States.

    So Lima, OH is another country? Because that's where our tanks are made.
    So what's Edwards doing? Some obvious flag-wrapped pandering which is, it seems, a whole load of crap. He's addressing a labor group who probably has no more idea of what he's talking about than it appears he does.

  2. You are not going in a SUV are you?
    No, I'll be walking. But it's great to hear you finally showing some concern for the environment.

    Some obvious flag-wrapped pandering which is, it seems, a whole load of crap.
    Coming from a righty, this is absolutely hilarious. Next, you'll be complaining that some Dem want's to nullify the Constitution or lie under oath.

  3. Those first 2 post must be from the GOP (Greedy Old Perverts)
